3 Potential On-Farm Events to Connect to with your Local Community

Communities are essential to the ongoing growth and stability of Farm businesses. Now, more than ever, Americans are eager to make personal connections with local Farmers to feel more confident and secure about the source of their local food.

How can you invite your local community to make a personal connection with your Farm? By inviting them to an on-Farm event. Studies show that consumers tend to reward companies that invest in their own communities’ development. So, for the 94% of Americans who prefer to shop locally, hosting on-Farm events that are educational, foster connections, and get people outside their comfort zone can grow your Farm’s local reputation and contribute to your success. 

Here are 3 on-Farm experiences that you should consider hosting to connect with your  customers and establish your Farm business as an essential member of the community:

  • Farm Experiences

People are curious about the daily routines and the ins and outs of operating a Farm. Offer tours to give community members an in-depth look at how your business functions day-to-day. Educate visitors about the seasonality of your products or how to properly take care of livestock animals. Give them a walking tour, or better yet, invite them to “participate” in a chore (e.g., moving chicken tractors).

Classes are also a fun way to share more about the workings of a Farm. For Dairy Farmers, teach people how to milk a cow - then use the milk to make some cheese! Or, if you're a Pork or Protein Farmer, invite customers to learn how to break down an animal followed by a BBQ! If you’re a Tree Farm, consider opening your door to a holiday wreath-making class. Any interactive activity that offers an educational component is a great way to get people on the Farm!

In the alternative, offer an individualized experience. Consider offering events that cater to people who want to stick to themselves or with family and friends. If you have friendly livestock, start a petting zoo to meet the animals. If you have flower fields, let people pay to take a tour and snap some photos! If you have fruit or vegetables to harvest, offer a U-pick so people can enjoy the experience of gathering their bounty at their own pace. 

  • Farm-to-Table Dinners

Community members love an opportunity to meet others and eat a delicious meal made with local food. Consider hosting an on-site Farm-to-Table dinner! Invite a local chef from a restaurant in town and use ingredients from your Farm and others in the area. If you host multiple dinners, invite a different chef each time to attract a different crowd of attendees. 

Consider partnering with other Farmers in the area to offer a wider range of meal options. For example, if you’re a protein Farmer, partner with a local fruit or vegetable producer, so the entire meal is locally sourced. Creating connections with other local Producers can make your Farm a one-stop-shop for all of your Buyers’ needs! 

  • Seasonal Events

Each season is suited best for different events. During the spring and summer, weddings are a great way to host people (if you have the space!). Currently, there’s an upward trend towards hosting wedding celebrations, receptions, and even photoshoots on Farms.

Consider a U-Pick for seasonal items like pumpkins, gourds, squash, or apples in the fall. If you don’t have products to pick, invite people to attend your on-Farm stand to shop for jams, jellies, or homemade pies. Use this time to market your products by including them in recipes like pies, ciders, soups, or a part of the Thanksgiving meal. 

Decorate your Farm with lights and set up a holiday market in the winter, selling specialty items from your Farm and other local vendors.

Hosting an on-Farm event is an investment, so make sure you charge for entry. The price for each event should vary depending on how much setup is required and if you need to hire someone to work the event. More than 80% of customers will pay more to support a local business, so make sure to charge a price that covers your costs and makes you a profit. 

Share these events when you interact with customers -- at farmer’s markets, on social media, or by sending out an email to your customer list. With Barn2Door + Mailchimp, you can easily send an automated invitation to inform loyal customers about upcoming Farm activities. Point them to your Farm Web Store to purchase tickets or reserve a spot at the Farm-to-table dinner.

By offering such events, experiences, and activities, you can create a community centered around your Farm. As more people engage with you, they’ll share their experiences with friends and family, allowing you to spread your reach (and drive more volume).

Barn2Door provides an all-in-one solution to grow and manage your Farm business. If you’re curious to learn why successful Farms run on Barn2Door, watch this 5-minute video.


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