Barn2Door, Inc. Privacy Policy



Hello! We (aka, Barn2Door) serve Farmers and their Customers - so you’ll see that our Privacy Policy is written in “Plain English”. We refer to farmers, fishers, foragers, ranchers and any other food or value-added producers as “Sellers.” We refer to all their customers, whether retail or wholesale, as “Buyers.” While this Privacy Policy is a “Legal Document” we tried to keep it simple. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, store, process, and share your information in relation to our website,, (referred to as the “Site”) and our mobile phone application (referred to as the “App”).  If you have any questions, just ask. Submit any queries through our contact form by submitting here: Cheers!


Depending on the type and level of engagement you have with us, we may collect information from you directly, indirectly, or from third parties as described more below. 

It is our overriding privacy principle that any personal information you provide to us is just that: personal. We do not presume that you are granting us permission to share your personal information with any third parties wanting to sell you products or services that you have not requested. In order for us to provide some of the services we offer, we may on occasion need to provide information you supply us to external party service providers as set forth in detail below and as described in our Terms of Use (and updated from time-to-time).  Barn2Door does not sell or rent any of your personal information.


Information You Provide To Us: We may receive and store information you provide directly to us. For example, when registering an account, we may collect personal information, such as your name, e-mail address, postal address, email, telephone number, along with a unique username and password.  We may also collect additional information you may choose to provide us via our Site or App. If you contact us through the Site or App, we will keep a record of our correspondence.

Information We May Collect About Your Interaction with the Site or App: We collect additional information about your interaction with the Site or App, by using cookies or similar technologies. For example, we receive certain information, such as your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, browser type and language, access times, and referring website addresses, and pages of the Site and App that you visit.

In addition to improving our services, this also helps us prevent abuse, hacking, and any malicious attempts to subvert the security of our Site. Capturing this data not only improves security, but also enables Barn2Door to improve the Buyer and Seller experience. We also may use this data to resolve support issues, uncover bugs, and identify user interaction and navigation improvements on the Site and Seller online stores, our App and other online channels. As a managed service, Barn2Door is always looking to improve and delight Buyers and Sellers alike.

Information We May Collect From Third Parties: We may also receive personal information about you from third parties, including:

  • Analytics providers such as Google, HubSpot, Seventh Sense and Vidyard (to name a few). Please see further information in the section “Cookies and Analytics” below;

  • Affiliate networks through whom you have accessed our website; 

  • Social media platforms when you log in to our website using such social media platforms; and

  • Technical, payment, and delivery service providers.


We may use the information we collect from and about you on and through the Services (collectively, “Information”) for any of the following purposes: 

  • to operate and provide the Services and to fulfill a contract with you; 

  • to operate our business;

  • to manage our relationship with you and respond to your requests and inquiries;

  • to contact you and to communicate with you about your use of the Services and your account;

  • to notify you about important changes to our Services;

  • to review your Services usage;

  • to provide you with information and materials about our products and services or about our partners’ products and services; 

  • to address problems with the Services; 

  • to protect the security or integrity of our Services, our users, and our business, 

  • to communicate with you regarding features offered on the Services to which you have expressed interest; 

  • to conduct business analytics; 

  • to comply with legal obligations and our internal policies and/or 

  • to personalize and improve our Services and your overall experience.

As an example, as visitors browse the Site or use our App, social media handles, emails, newsletters or any other assets assembled or administered by Barn2Door on behalf of Sellers, we may track and record their interactions to help better provide a positive user experience and interactions with our services. For instance, this could include real-time monitoring and assistance via chat during the cart checkout process to help Sellers increase conversion of orders from their sites.

If we use your personal information we collect about you in other ways, we will share the new intended purposes at the time we collect it or before we begin using it for those other purposes.


We sometimes share your personal information with our trusted categories of service providers we use to support our business, to handle feedback and complaints, and to help us understand your behavior in order to improve and troubleshoot our services available to you.

Our trusted service providers include merchant account providers, website hosts, email automation service providers, accounting and tax service providers, cloud service providers, and other professional services providers that are relevant to your business.

As part of our service, we may build statistical reports based on what items have been offered, purchased or requested through Barn2Door. In cases such as these, we anonymize and aggregate any information collected before making the information publicly available (e.g., in trend reports). 


Barn2Door is the sole owner of the information collected on the Siteand through any Barn2Door service, including our mobile application. 


Our primary audience is adults. The Site, our App, and our services are not intended for children under the age of 13. We do not intend to and do not knowingly collect personal information from children under this age. Children under the age of 13 are prohibited from using the Site or App.  If we learn that we have collected information from a child under the age of 13, we will remove that information immediately and delete it from our servers. If you believe information from a child under the age of 13 has been provided to the Site, please notify us by contacting us online here:


If you are a California resident under age 18 and you believe your information has become publicly available through the Site or App and you are unable to remove it, you may request removal by contacting us online here:  When requesting removal, you must be specific about the information you want removed and provide us with specific information, such as the URL for each page where the information is located, so that we can find it.  We are not required to remove any content or information that: (i) federal or state law requires us or a third party to maintain; (ii) was not posted by you; (iii) is anonymized so that you cannot be identified; (iv) you do not follow our instructions for removing or requesting removal; or (v) you received compensation or other consideration for providing the content or information.  REMOVAL OF YOUR CONTENT OR INFORMATION FROM THE SITE OR APP DOES NOT ENSURE COMPLETE OR COMPREHENSIVE REMOVAL OF THAT CONTENT OR INFORMATION FROM OUR SYSTEMS OR THE SYSTEMS OF OUR SERVICE PROVIDERS.  We are not required to delete the content or information posted by you; our obligations under California law are satisfied so long as we anonymize the content or information or render it invisible to other users and the public.


California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits California residents to request and obtain from us once a year, free of charge, a list of the third-parties to whom we have disclosed personal information (as defined under that statute) of that California resident, for direct marketing purposes in the preceding calendar year and the categories of that kind of personal information that was disclosed to them.  If you are a California resident and you wish to make such a request, you may do so by contacting us online here:


The Site makes it easy to correct any mistakes in your personal information at any time. Whenever possible, you have the opportunity to review and change any information you provide to us with a registered account. If you notice a mistake in the information you provide us, you can request to revise the information except where the request is unreasonable, requires disproportionate technical effort or expense, jeopardizes the privacy of others, or would be impractical. You may submit a request by contacting us online here:

If you want to stop receiving emails from us or to disable your account to prevent further usage on, simply contact us online at


The Site uses “cookies” to provide a better service to all Buyers and Sellers. Cookies are placed by your browser on your computer's hard drive to assign a unique identification for your computer. Barn2Door never stores information we consider personal or private in a cookie. This eliminates the chance of other sites reading our cookies and learning your personal information. Instead, we use cookies to help direct you to the appropriate part of the Site. For example, a cookie may indicate that you are a repeat visitor to the Site. We will then use that information to present you with informative pages customized to your preferences. Our goal is to use cookies in order to provide a personally customized and easy-to-use service.

If you do not want Barn2Door or other websites to use cookies, you can disable them within your browser. Some portions of the Site are still functional without cookies. You may delete Barn2Door's cookies through your browser's cookie manager. Be aware that this will reset your session, disable auto-login, and may adversely affect other functions on the Site.

As part of our service, Barn2Door may place cookies on the browsers of your visitors to your Barn2Door profile. We do this to track potentially malicious visitors and reduce the chance of blocking legitimate users.

We also use various third-party analytics and tracking providers (“Analytics Providers”), to collect information about Site, App and their users. Analytics Providers use Cookies in order to collect usage information from users that visit the Site or use our App, including information about the pages where users enter and exit the Site and what pages users view on the Site, time spent, browser, operating system, and IP address. Cookies allow Analytics Providers to recognize a user when a user visits the Site, or App, and when the user visits other websites. Analytics Providers use the information they collect from the Site and other websites to share with us and other website operator’s information about users including geographic regions and details about devices used to visit websites and purchase items. We do not link information we receive from Analytics Providers with any of your personal information.


Barn2Door may aggregate data we acquire about you, the visitors to your site, and/or the products offered, purchased or requested. For example, we may aggregate data to determine demand for certain foods in a given region or during a given season. If we assemble this sort of data and provide it to external parties, your personal information will never be attached to or included in the aggregated data. Please note, public data you provide us may be included in the aggregate data, reports and statistics. We may also combine non-personal information with non-personally identifiable information collected from other sources.


From time to time, Barn2Door may notify you about an offer from one of our business partners (e.g., an offer for free or discounted membership, or special access or pricing to an industry event) via the Site or email. While we may target particular types of users for these offers, we will do all of the targeting within our system. Our business partners will not have any access to the targeting information, including the names of the people who may be interested in a particular product or service. Until you affirmatively respond to a promotional offer, we will not reveal any identifying information about you to any of these business partners. Note that these business partners may have their own privacy policies. Please review the privacy policies of our business partners to understand their use of any personal data you provide.


The Site and the other websites contain links to the sites of third parties. You acknowledge and agree that we do not endorse and are not responsible for any content, advertising, products, services, or other materials on or available through the sites of third parties. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of these external sites. We encourage users to be aware when they leave the Site, and to read the privacy statements of other websites. We cannot guarantee that these third parties abide by the privacy principles outlined here.


In some cases, Barn2Door may be required to provide information, including personal information: (i) as required by any applicable law, rule or regulation; (ii) if we believe disclosure is needed to protect our rights, property or safety; (iii) to government regulators or law enforcement authorities in connection with any judicial proceeding, court order, subpoena or legal process served on us or the Site; and (iv) to respond to a physical threat to you or another person. If we are ever required to provide information under these circumstances, we will attempt to inform users whose information we are compelled to reveal.


Some browsers have incorporated “do not track” features to enable users to make privacy and security choices. By using these settings, your browser may send a signal to our Site not to collect tracking information. Barn2Door will attempt to honor any “do not track” signal received by from your browser. At this time, the Site does not respond to “do not track” signals, if received. 


If we should ever file for bankruptcy or engage in a business transition such as an acquisition by or merger with another company, or if we sell or reorganize all or part of our business or assets, we may disclose your information, including personal information, to prospective or actual purchasers or transaction participants in connection with these transactions.


We maintain reasonable physical, technical, and administrative safeguards for our Services designed to protect against loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction of the information we collect.  Despite these efforts, no method of transmission over the internet or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. 

You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account credentials for the Services.   We will treat access to the Services through your account credentials as authorized by you. Unauthorized access to password-protected or secure areas is prohibited and may lead to criminal prosecution. We may suspend your use of all or part of the Services without notice if we suspect or detect any breach of security. If you believe that information you provided to us is no longer secure, please notify us immediately using the contact information provided in this Policy.

 Retaining Your Data

We will retain your personal information indefinitely, or as long as legally required or allowed. We may dispose of any information in our discretion without notice, subject to applicable law. We do not undertake any retention obligations through this statement.


We will always maintain the overriding principle that we will not sell your personal data. We are in the business of helping Farmers sell direct to their local customers; we do not intend to amass data for no purpose. We do not believe we will need to change that principle going forward.I If we do need to change any other aspect of the Privacy Policy, we will post changes on the Site or share via the contact information we have for you.


This section details additional disclosures and rights that are provided to our customers residing in California. 

Your Right to Know and Delete 

You have the right to request that we disclose certain information to you about our collection and use of your personal data over the past 12 months. Once we receive and validate your request, we will include a list of your personal data that may have been disclosed and the categories of third parties the information may have been disclosed to.  

You may request that we delete any of your personal data that we collected from you and retained, subject to certain exceptions. Once we receive your request and confirm your identity, we will review your request. We may deny your deletion request if retaining the information is proper and necessary or if an exception allowing us to retain the information applies. 

If your request is approved, we will delete or deidentify the relevant information and will direct our service providers to take similar action.

Exercising Your Rights to Know or Delete

To exercise your rights to know or delete described above, please submit a request by either: 

Only you, or someone legally authorized to act on your behalf, may make a request to know or delete related to your personal data. 

You may only submit a request to know twice within a 12-month period. We endeavor to substantively respond to a verifiable consumer request within forty-five (45) days of its receipt, unless we require an extension. If we reasonably require an extension we will inform you of the reason and extension period.


We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your CPRA rights.

We do not charge a fee to process or respond to your verifiable consumer request unless it is excessive, repetitive, or manifestly unfounded. If we determine that the request warrants a fee, we will tell you why we made that decision and provide you with a cost estimate before completing your request.

Sharing Personal Data

We do not sell personal information to third parties though we may share the information we collect for business purposes. We only make these business purpose disclosures under written contracts that describe the purposes, require the recipient to keep the personal information confidential, and prohibit using the disclosed information for any purpose except performing the contract. We will not collect additional categories of personal information from the ones specified in this Policy without providing you notice. 


We appreciate the time, care and attention you have given to read our Privacy Policy. If you have any questions, please ask. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact us online here: We also welcome your suggestions as we constantly seek to improve our service and transparency for Sellers and Buyers alike, while respecting your individual privacy concerns.

Barn2Door, Inc. Terms of Use



Hello! We serve Farmers and their Customers - so you’ll see that our Terms of Use are written in “Plain English”. We refer to farmers, fishers, foragers, ranchers and any other food or value-added producers as “Sellers.” We refer to all their customers, whether retail or wholesale, as “Buyers.” While this is a “Legal Document” - we tried to keep our Terms of Use simple. If you have any questions, just ask. Submit any queries through our contact form by clicking here: Cheers!


Our company, Barn2Door, Inc. is a Delaware corporation (referred to as "Barn2Door," “Company,” “we,” “us,” or “our”).  We provide this website,, (referred to as the “Site”) and content under this domain and several subdomains (e.g.,, and any other subdomains or hosted domains), complemented by a bunch of great software as a subscription service (referred to as “Services” - more fully defined below).  All of these Services are provided to you subject to these Terms of Use (referred to as “Terms of Use”, “Terms” or “Agreement”).

When you visit our Site or use Barn2Door as a Buyer or Seller, you agree to be bound by the latest amended versions of these Terms. For sake of clarity we use the term “you” interchangeably for both Buyers and Sellers, to make this Agreement easier to read. 

You acknowledge and agree that you will be bound by this Agreement as it is updated from time to time; any changes to this Agreement will apply prospectively.  You are advised to check these Terms of Service from time to time for any updates or changes that may impact you. Please review these Terms carefully.  IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THESE TERMS, YOU SHOULD NOT ACCESS OR USE THE SITE.


By visiting our Site and using any of our Services, you confirm that you’ve had an opportunity to review these Terms and agree to be bound by this Agreement. Note that these Terms apply to everyone - whether you are a Buyer or Seller and whether you do or do not actually buy or sell any products on the Site. You may just be researching for a friend, or a student in school evaluating options for your future farm business. Regardless of your use or intent, by visiting this Site, you agree to be bound by this Agreement.

If you wish to become a registered member and make use of the Service as a Buyer or Seller you must read this Agreement and indicate your acceptance during the Sign-Up process. By accepting, you represent that you have the capacity to enter into this Agreement and are the age of legal majority or older where you live. If you are acting on behalf of a company or organization, you represent that you have the authority to bind such entity(ies).

Barn2Door has aimed to provide you with a turnkey solution to help improve convenient access and purchasing of local food. Our “Services” include: (i) an online store to showcase farm products for sale via any channel (web, mobile, social, email, newsletter); (ii) a website and creative assets to help farms elevate their brand, tell their story and increase convenient access to purchase products; (iii) a backend “admin console” for farms to manage their profile, schedules, fulfillment, inventory, orders, payments and invoices,  and customer communications; (iv) a set of third-party applications and integrated applications program interfaces (APIs) that enhance our Site, payments, shipping, messaging, hosting and a variety of other features and functions; and (v) consultative services to help Sellers onboard, manage their account, support, and deliver a great on brand and user experience that is optimized to help improve Buyer conversion. We expect our Services will continue to grow and expand, and our Terms of Use will also evolve with these changes.

For sake of clarity, any consultative services associated with onboarding or setup of a Seller account must be utilized within two (2) months of the date of signup, or Barn2Door reserves the right to charge an additional fee for such services. Further, there is no carryover of any consultative services from year to year; the Services provided by Barn2Door are either consumed or expire during the then-applicable term.


We pride ourselves on developing and publishing a lot of content to help educate and inform Buyers about local food and Sellers about business best practices. Content may be originally created, subcontracted, licensed or created with the assistance of generative artificial intelligence (AI) by Barn2Door. For purposes of this Agreement, all content the Site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads, data compilations, and software, and compilation of that content into coherent Services, is the property of Barn2Door (or its partners as the case may be) and protected by United States and international copyright laws. Reproduction of any Barn2Door content without our written permission is not permitted (in fact, it is prohibited by law).  If you would like to reference or reuse any of our content, then please ask. 

Note, these protections include any attempts by unauthorized third-parties to capitalize on Barn2Door’s unique content in any manner, likeness, or style that could lead a Buyer or Seller to be confused as to the origins or source of our original content. This include use of any webcrawlers, spiders, bots or third-party generative artificial intelligence (AI) solutions that incorporates any of Barn2Door’s content.


We’ve made significant investments building and maintaining the Barn2Door brand. We’re fortunate to employ some great marketers and designers. As such, we’re protective of Barn2Door’s brand promise to help improve access to local, clean food producers.   

To that end, we protect and restrict usage of Barn2Door™, the Barn2Door logo, and any other Barn2Door graphics, logos, page headers, button icons, scripts, and service names (collectively, “Brand Assets”).  These Brand Assets are Barn2Door trademarks, or trade dress of our Company that have inherent meaning and value because of their restricted use and our brand promise. 

No Brand Assets may be used in connection with any other product or service (outside of Barn2Door’s control), without our express written permission. All other trademarks not owned by Barn2Door that appear in our marketing collateral or included within our Services are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with Barn2Door.

Note, these protections include any attempts by unauthorized third-parties to capitalize on Barn2Door’s unique Brand Assets in any manner, likeness, or style that could lead a Buyer or Seller to be confused as to the origins or source of our original assets.


We agree to grant you a “limited license” to access and make personal use of the Services or access the Site. Note, this license prohibits you from downloading any content (other than page caching) or modifying any portion, without Barn2Door’s express written consent. You may not resell or sublicense Barn2Door's Services without our express written permission. You may not utilize any techniques to frame or enclose any Brand Assets or any of Barn2Door’s proprietary information (including images, text, page layout, or form). You may not use any metatags or any other hidden text utilizing Barn2Door's name or Brand Assets without our express written consent. If you are not a competitor, you are permitted to hyperlink to any non-password protected Barn2Door webpages.  However, any unauthorized use automatically terminates the limited license we granted you. And, you may actually incur legal liability for any damages.

Any party that competes with Barn2Door, whether now or contemplating to do so in the future, is expressly prohibited from accessing and/or using our Services and the Site, whether directly or indirectly through another “friendly” user or bogus account. Barn2Door reserves the right to terminate access or use of the Site or our Services to such parties.


To use some of the Services offered by Barn2Door, you will need to create an account and  register as a Buyer or Seller. In any event, when creating a Barn2Door account, you acknowledge and agree as follows:

A. You must be 18 years or older to use our Services. Minors under 18 and at least 13 years of age are only permitted to use our Services through an account owned by a parent or legal guardian with their appropriate permission and under their direct supervision. Children under 13 years are not permitted to use Barn2Door. You are responsible for any and all account activity conducted by a minor on your Barn2Door account. As a parent or guardian of a minor, you may want to limit access to certain material online. See Barn2Door’s Minors Rider below.

B. Your name should be appropriate as a business or individual. If you do not function as a business, then your legal name associated with your account should be acceptable. Your chosen business or individual name may not include language that could be perceived as offensive, vulgar, or infringing upon the intellectual property rights of another party, or otherwise violates the Terms. 

C. You commit to be honest and truthful. Provide accurate information about yourself. If you are a Seller, you agree to be transparent about your Farm products and practices. It is prohibited to impersonate another person or company with your Barn2Door account, or to make false, misleading or deceptive claims as a Seller about your Farm products and practices.

D. Your account and credentials are your responsibility. You are solely responsible for any and all activity on your Barn2Door account. If you choose to share your account and credentials with other people, then the party whose financial information is on the Barn2Door account will ultimately be responsible for all activity. Keep your password secure at all times. If you’re registering as a business, you personally guarantee that you have the legal authority to agree to the Terms on behalf of the business. Your Barn2Door account is not transferable, except in the event of a change of business ownership (merger, acquisition or asset purchase).

E. Use of Barn2Door by Minors (Minors Rider). Barn2Door is a strong advocate for the business education of minors through practical use and application under the guidance or supervision of their parents or legal guardians. Minors under 18 and at least 13 years of age are permitted to use Barn2Door only if they have the appropriate permission and direct supervision of their parent or legal guardian who is the Barn2Door account owner. You are responsible for any and all account activity conducted by a minor on your account. You may wish to use commercially-available parental control protections, such as computer hardware, software, or filtering services, to limit access to various material online that may be inappropriate for minors.

  • Purchasing. Minors may not make purchases unless they have appropriate permission and are under the direct supervision of their parent or legal guardian who owns the account. All financial information on the account, such as a credit card, debit or ACH account, must be that of the parent or legal guardian.

  • Selling. Minors over 13 who wish to sell on Barn2Door must include a Banner at the top of their Store to disclose that their shop is “hosted and curated by [Name], a minor, under the supervision of their parent or legal guardian [Name] who owns this Barn2Door account.” All billing information and banking details must belong to the parent or legal guardian responsible for the Barn2Door account.


As a software company, Barn2Door utilizes a number of third-party applications and application program interfaces (collectively, “Third Party Apps”) to deliver our Services. In some cases, you may also choose to download or utilize these Third Party Apps directly.  You agree and accept that your use of these Third Party Apps are governed by their own terms of use and privacy policies. 

Barn2Door is not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damages or loss caused or alleged, privacy breach caused or alleged, in connection with use or reliance on any Third Party Apps, including, but not limited to, the following apps: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Avalara, Facebook, Instagram, Mailchimp, Routific, Quickbooks, Shippo, Squarespace, Stripe and TaxJar.


Barn2Door may make available certain delivery services for fresh goods, provided by a third party (“Delivery Service Provider” or “DSP”), available to you to purchase. If you opt to use any third party delivery services made available through Barn2Door (“Delivery Services”), you agree to the following supplemental terms, which govern your use of the Delivery Services provided by a DSP:

  • You must engage DSP(s) directly as facilitated through Barn2Door pursuant to a transportation services agreement (“Transportation Services Agreement” or “TSA”); any other engagement between you and a DSP for Delivery Services is prohibited.

  • Barn2Door will not be liable for the Delivery Services provided by the DSP.

  • The availability of the Delivery Services may be subject to change at Barn2Door’s sole discretion.

  • Barn2Door may select Delivery Service Provider(s) and set the fees for the Delivery Services (“Delivery Fees”) in its sole discretion.

  • Barn2Door will be the agent of record for DSP(s) and will collect the Delivery Fees directly from you on behalf of each respective Delivery Service Provider.

  • If you terminate Barn2Door’s Services, then any Transportation Services Agreement between you and Delivery Service Provider subject to these Terms will be terminated.


Guest, Retail and Wholesale Buyers

All visitors to the Site or a Seller website are treated as retail Buyers (by default), unless a Buyer registers as a wholesale Buyer or is invited by the Seller (via a wholesale guest pass). As a wholesale Buyer you represent that your organization is a lawfully registered and active organization entitled to wholesale pricing under applicable law. As a wholesale Buyer, you agree and accept that you may be required to provide proof of lawful entity organization, existence (e.g. EIN), good standing and authorization to act on behalf of a wholesale buying entity.

All Buyers and Sellers acknowledge and agree to comply with all the payment terms and fees as set forth on the Site at, as updated from time-to-time. This includes the obligations of Sellers to pay processing fees for certain forms of payments, and Buyers to pay certain fees on transactions (e.g. Shipping or Delivery Charges). Buyers may also voluntarily opt-in to cover processing fees for Sellers, which Sellers acknowledge and agree may be considered taxable revenue for a given Seller (e.g. a tip). Buyers acknowledge and agree that a tip on a recurring subscription, will constitute a recurring tip for the duration of the Subscription (until the term ends or the Subscription is terminated).

Online Store

Every Seller is provided with an online store that is hosted and managed by Barn2Door on a separate subdomain for privacy and security compliance. This includes securing and maintaining a Secure-Socket-Layer (SSL) certificate for each online store to ensure secure commercial transactions and a consistent Buyer experience across all supported browsers (e.g. Chrome, Mozilla, Safari) and supported devices (e.g. desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile). 

Each Seller agrees and accepts that by hosting its online store, Barn2Door will utilize a variety of Third Party Apps to manage, monitor, analyze and facilitate secure commercial transactions on a Seller’s online store. These Third Party Apps may include analytics tools, monitoring and hosting services, navigation analysis and heat-mapping tools, payments processing for credit, debit and ACH, and others from time to time. Seller accepts that all Barn2Door Services will include an “Acknowledgement” (e.g.  Powered by Barn2Door, Managed by Barn2Door or a Barn2Door Watermark) embedded in the online store, website and creative assets, to ensure Buyers have access to Barn2Door for any suspected security, privacy or copyright issues; Seller acknowledges and agrees as a condition for use of the Services, the Acknowledgement may not be removed or altered at any time during the term. 

You agree and accept that each Seller is responsible to maintain their own product inventory, images, descriptions and pricing that populate their online store. Each Seller agrees it shall have no right or authority to make changes to the Seller online store security, configuration, navigation hierarchy, design, payments or Acknowledgment. 

Seller accepts and agrees to pay all payment processing and transaction fees associated with any form of payment (including any merchant refunds, merchant credits, merchant payouts, merchant transfers, deposits, disputed or fraudulent payments, promotional discounts, or any canceled orders). Seller acknowledges and agrees that Barn2Door will in no way be liable for any form of payment that is collected and accepted by the Seller. Further, Seller agrees that any and all fees associated with payments (including disputed or fraudulent payments) will be passed through directly to Seller by Barn2Door (or collected subsequently thereafter, if not automated); note, this may include additional card connect, fraud inspection or merchant processing fees that are collected or implemented by our merchant processor from time-to-time to facilitate ongoing, secure payments. Our processing fee schedule at present for all transactions (including credits, debits and refunds) are as follows:

Schedule of Merchant Fees

  • Credit Card / Debit Card Transactions: 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction

  • ACH Transfer: 1.00%

  • Merchant Account “Connect” Fee: $2.00 per month

  • Merchant “Payout” Fee: 0.2% per transfer

  • Fraud or Dispute (Lost): Cost of the Fraud or Dispute + $15

  • Student Subscription Only: 3% of gross transaction value

The above Schedule of Merchant Fees may be amended from time-to-time, with or without notice, subject to Barn2Door’s sole discretion, to cover fees and processing costs associated with use or merchant card networks. If a Seller elects to utilize a third-party Tax solution (e.g. Avalara AvaTax), then additional fees may also be added and/or deducted with respect to certain Buyer and Seller transactions, subject to separate tax and nexus obligations.

Seller acknowledges by utilizing any “credit” capabilities offered as part of the Services, that such credits of each member are valid for five (5) years from the date of purchase or refund; members who purchase credits acknowledge and agree that the Seller is exclusively liable for the value of such credits (including refunding such amounts to a member, if any, should a Seller cancel Services with Barn2Door). In the event of extensive pre-sale of credits or deposits by any Seller, Barn2Door may halt or suspend use of the Services at any time (in Barn2Door’s sole judgment, with or without notice) to ensure a given Seller is not engaged in fraudulent activities and has adequate security and insurance in the event of product failure (to compensate Buyers for fraud monitoring, if deemed necessary). IF A SELLER CHOOSES TO CANCEL SERVICES WITH BARN2DOOR, SELLER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT ALL OUTSTANDING AND UNUSED CREDITS WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY REFUNDED TO BUYERS, IN COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAW.

Seller acknowledges and agrees that if a Seller is routinely subject to Disputes, or allegations from Buyers of questionable practices, quality and/or service, or if a Seller routinely fails to timely pay subscription fees for Services offered by Barn2Door (due non-sufficient funds or credit card declines), then BARN2DOOR MAY, IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE, IMPLEMENT A MINIMUM HOLD TIME (UP TO 30 DAYS) AND/OR BALANCE ON THE SELLER’S MERCHANT ACCOUNT (UP TO $5,000), TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THESE TERMS AND TO PROTECT BUYERS AND BARN2DOOR FROM POTENTIAL LOSS AND/OR LIABILITY.

Each Seller agrees and accepts that it is exclusively liable for the collection of any cash or check payments (if offered as a form of payment by the Seller). Note, the Seller agrees and accepts that Barn2Door bears no liability for non-payment of cash, check or $0 deposit items; all risk rests with the Seller. Barn2Door strongly recommends each Seller collect final payment before or at the time of fulfillment (prior to relinquishing any of Seller’s products). For accounting purposes, by default Barn2Door shall mark all outstanding cash and check transactions as “paid” after 12 months from the date of the transaction or invoice (if not otherwise marked by the Seller as paid, refund, bad debt or canceled).

Each Seller agrees and accepts that it is EXCLUSIVELY LIABLE for the collection and payment of any and all taxes and fees (as applicable) for any products sold through use of Barn2Door’s Services. Note, the Seller agrees and accepts that liability to collect taxes, apply the correct rates, and remit payments to all respective taxing authorities, rests SOLELY AND EXCLUSIVELY WITH THE SELLER. The use of any third-party service to facilitate the collection of taxes and/or integrated to the Services (e.g. Avalara, TaxJar), are used by the Seller at its own volition and is subject to third-party terms and conditions of such service provider. Seller acknowledges that Barn2Door makes NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER AS TO THE ACCURACY, APPLICABILITY OR EFFECTIVENESS WITH RESPECT TO THE BARN2DOOR TAX TOOL AND/OR ANY THIRD-PARTY SERVICE DESIGNED TO FACILITATE THE COLLECTION AND REMITTANCE OF TAXES AND FEES ON BEHALF OF THE SELLER.

Each Seller also acknowledges and agrees to comply with all federal, state and local laws regulating commerce, expressly including any prohibitions on the use of commerce to facilitate the sale or trade of any illegal or federally regulated products, substances or activities (e.g. alcohol, cannabis (CBD)). Failure of the Seller to comply with the foregoing terms with respect to utilizing the Services for any unlawful activities, including any regulated or controlled substances, may result in the IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION AND CESSATION OF THE SERVICES (INCLUDING UNDERLYING MERCHANT PROCESSING) AND POTENTIAL FORFEITURE OF ALL REVENUES ASSOCIATED THEREWITH. In the event of violation of these terms, Sellers agrees and accepts that Seller shall not be entitled to any refund or reimbursement of any funds paid to Barn2Door for its Services.

By using the Services to conduct transactions, each Seller acknowledges and agrees not to intentionally circumvent Barn2Door to consummate a transaction through a third-party payment alternative (e.g. PayPal). Further, each Seller agrees not to offer or utilize any other third-party online payment alternatives - through their website, social, or email - to circumvent the Services provided by Barn2Door. The sole exception to the preceding terms are permissible ecommerce alternatives agreed to in writing between Seller and Barn2Door (by authorized officer of the Company) for temporary housing (e.g. AirBnB), donations (e.g. GoFundMe), or third-party booking and food delivery services (e.g. OpenTable or GrubHub for an on-site Farm restaurant). Other exceptions may be granted on a case-by-base basis, for a limited time or for the duration of the Services.

Seller Website & Creative Assets

If a Seller has elected a subscription plan that includes Services to leverage Barn2Door’s design and creative services to build and host a unique stand-alone website, social headers and/or newsletter assets, then Barn2Door will assume admin responsibility for such assets. In this event, the Seller retains all right, title and interest to its domain name and original marks, but grants Barn2Door a limited, worldwide license use Seller’s domain name and original marks to host and operate a website, configure social headers and assemble newsletter templates on behalf of the Seller for the duration of their Barn2Door Services relationship. 

To facilitate the creation of certain brand assets, which may include a website, social headers, newsletters and/or marketing toolkit resources and images (collectively, “Barn2Door Creative Assets”), the Seller acknowledges and agrees to provide timely feedback to Barn2Door within the first sixty (60) days following sign-up for the Services. If a Seller fails to provide timely feedback and edits to Barn2Door within ninety (90) days of sign-up, then the Barn2Door Creative Assets offered as part of the Services are explicitly forfeited by the Seller.

Barn2Door Creative Assets may be originally created, subcontracted, licensed or created with the assistance of generative artificial intelligence (AI) by Barn2Door. Seller accepts that all Barn2Door Services will include an “Acknowledgement” (e.g.  Powered by Barn2Door, Managed by Barn2Door or a Barn2Door Watermark) embedded in the online store, website and creative assets, to ensure Buyers have access to Barn2Door for any suspected security, privacy or copyright issues; Seller acknowledges and agrees as a condition for use of the Services, the Acknowledgement may not be removed or altered at any time during the term.

During the Term of the relationship, Barn2Door grants Seller a limited, worldwide license to all Barn2Door Creative Assets specifically for that Seller; provided, however, such license will extinguish automatically upon the effective termination of the Services (by either party). Seller acknowledges and agrees that all Barn2Door Creative Assets are the work product of Barn2Door and that Barn2Door retains ownership of its work product. For sake of clarity, if the Services relationship with Barn2Door ends for any reason, then Seller acknowledges and agrees its right to use the Barn2Door Creative Assets (including website, social headers, newsletters or marketing toolkit resources and images) assembled by Barn2Door ends at 5:00 pm Pacific Time upon the last effective day of Services. Access to any and all Barn2Door assets will be removed permanently and irrevocably at that time. 

As website admin, Barn2Door will be responsible to configure a seller’s initial Domain Names Service (DNS) configuration, DNS redirects (as applicable), initial website design and implementation, navigation analysis and suggested improvements, and initial copy-editing of the Seller’s content to improve Buyer experience. A Seller will remain responsible for paying the costs for the right to use its domain name and for any affiliated email service connected to its domain. During the DNS transfer, Seller acknowledges and agrees that a Seller’s website may be down for an undetermined period of time (which is outside the scope of Barn2Door’s control). For sake of clarity, Barn2Door will utilize best efforts to complete a DNS transfer in a timely manner (typically a few minutes of downtime); however, depending on the domain name host, it can extend for days. SELLER AGREES AND ACCEPTS IT HAS NO RIGHT TO RECOURSE (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS OR LOST SALES) DUE TO ANY DOWNTIME OR UNAVAILABILITY OF THE SELLER’S WEBSITE OR WEBSTORE. 

Each Seller agrees and accepts that Barn2Door will utilize a variety of Third Party Apps to manage, monitor and analyze Barn2Door Creative Assets. These Third Party Apps may include a content management system, analytics tools, monitoring and hosting services, navigation analysis and heat-mapping tools, and others from time to time. Seller also accepts that Barn2Door will include an Acknowledgement for all Barn2Door Creative Assets (e.g. “Managed by Barn2Door”, or a watermark in images), to ensure Buyers have the ability to contact Barn2Door to report any suspected security or privacy issues, or unauthorized use. Note Seller acknowledges and agrees not to remove or obscured any Acknowledgement by Barn2Door; any attempt to do so shall constitute material breach of these terms. 

After publication of a Seller’s website, Barn2Door will provide a Seller with “Non-Admin” rights to the website - whereby a Seller can update content (text and images), as described in Content further below. However, a Seller accepts and agrees that in no case will a Seller change any website style guides, edit navigation, payments, website redirects to Barn2Door, or disable any Third Party Apps (collectively, “Material Changes to a Website”). A Seller is encouraged to contact Barn2Door for consultation if it would like to pursue any Material Changes to a Website.

Notwithstanding the provisions above, a Seller with an Annual Subscription to Barn2Door’s Software and Services, may elect to purchase a Farm logo (a “Logo”). When a Seller elects to purchase a Logo, the Barn2Door team will endeavor to create a series of three (3) options based on Seller input, and then seek to refine and edit a final version of the Logo based on Seller feedback. The Seller acknowledges and agrees to provide timely feedback to Barn2Door within the sixty (60) days following purchase of a Logo. Upon acceptance by Seller (and actual receipt of payment of a Seller’s Annual Subscription to Barn2Door), then full copyright and ownership of the Logo shall transfer from Barn2Door to Seller as “work for hire.” All rights, title and interests in the Logo shall be vested in the Seller upon transfer, who simultaneously grants Barn2Door a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide license to use and display the Logo as a sample of Barn2Door Services. Barn2Door makes no representations to the Seller regarding potential third party claims that the Logo infringes or misappropriates such party’s intellectual property rights. In such an event, Barn2Door will refund the Seller any fees paid-to-date for the initial Logo design and/or provide an alternative design option (at Seller’s request). 


Seller Content

The Seller warrants and represents any photos, media, content or creative works of art that is contributed or shared with Barn2Door, that Seller is the lawful owner or possesses lawful rights to use and distribute such content as its own. While the Seller owns or possesses lawful rights to its original content , Seller grants Barn2Door a limited license to edit and improve such content and to copy-edit details to improve consistency, and clarity for Buyers, consistent with industry best practices (to help improve conversion and make purchasing more convenient).

Each Seller retains full copyright ownership of any of its previously provided content served through Barn2Door. Depending on the features you select, Barn2Door may modify the content of your site. For example, Barn2Door may detect any email addresses and replace them with a script in order to keep them from being harvested, or Barn2Door may insert code to enable a Third Party App to monitor the Services. Depending on the features you enable, you acknowledge Barn2Door may:

● Intercept requests determined to be threats and present them with a challenge page.

● Add cookies to your domain to track visitors, such as those who have successfully passed the CAPTCHA on a challenge page.

● Add script to your pages to, for example, add services, Apps, or perform additional performance tracking.

● Make other changes to increase performance or security of the Service.

Barn2Door will make efforts to communicate with you whenever a feature will modify your content and, whenever possible, provide you a mechanism to allow you to disable the feature.


We try to ensure that all Sellers provide content that is accurate and transparent - especially with respect to farming practices, production, harvesting and certifications. All Sellers agree to comply with Barn2Door’s Seller Requirements to sell only clean and sustainably sourced products via their online store, powered by Barn2Door.

However, Barn2Door does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or reliability of Seller content or their product descriptions. We trust that each Buyer has good judgment and scrutiny, and we encourage you to contact a Seller directly if you have any questions. If you believe that a Seller’s product is not as described on their web store, then your sole remedy is to contact the Seller for a replacement or refund. As a Buyer, you acknowledge and agree that Barn2Door has no liability for Seller representations (or misrepresentations) of its products, and no liability for any product quality (including spoilage or contamination).


By using or accessing Barn2Door, you agree and consent to having your Internet Protocol address, Media Access Control address and browser details recorded and monitored to prevent abuse, hacking, and any malicious attempts to subvert the security of our Services. 

Capturing this data not only improves security, but also enables Barn2Door to improve Buyer and Seller experience. More specifically, we also may use this data to resolve support issues, uncover bugs, and identify user interaction and navigation improvements on the Site and Seller online stores, websites and other online channels. As a managed service, Barn2Door is always looking to improve and delight Buyers and Sellers alike.

Anyone (Buyers or Sellers) accessing the Barn2Door Site and consuming “gated” content, whereby you offer your personal information in exchange for Barn2Door content or services (including the directory), expressly acknowledges and agrees they are “opting in” to permit Barn2Door (or its affiliates) to contact you through email, phone, text message or any other form of communications (including auto-responders, dialers and other forms of automated marketing services). By subscribing to text message communications, you expressly consent to receive recurring autodialed SMS alerts and notifications on your mobile device from us. You may receive one or more welcome messages or administrative messages, such as a request to confirm your opt-in. The mobile alerts you receive depend on your user preferences. You acknowledge and agree that message and data rates may apply, in addition to any applicable roaming charges. Message frequency may vary. Content may not be available on all carriers and carrier participation could change. Any charges you receive will be charged by your mobile service provider and payable by you. Anyone may “opt-out” from Barn2Door communications at anytime.

The Seller that inputs, uploads or captures Buyer details in Barn2Door owns that customer data. As a Seller, if you elect to cancel or terminate use of our Services at any time, you can download and take all your customer details and order information with you. AS A SELLER, YOU OWN ALL YOUR OWN DATA AND TRANSACTION HISTORY.

As a condition of using our Services, each Seller grants to Barn2Door an irrevocable, perpetual worldwide license to all data, details, information and products that are provided to or maintained in the Services. We note that it is not feasible for Barn2Door to comb a database and delete individual details across redundant servers and ongoing database backups (note, these issues are compounded when multiple farmers share the same customers).

Each Seller acknowledges and agrees that Barn2Door may occasionally offer promotional incentives to Buyers to do more business with Sellers to encourage the purchase of more local products. Barn2Door also retains sole discretion to contact any and all Buyers directly in the event of an actual or potential security or privacy breach, malicious or suspicious account activity (real or perceived), and for periodic product updates and events (that provide a Buyer a better experience with Seller(s) with whom they have a relationship). Barn2Door aims to work collectively with Sellers to encourage more Buyers to purchase locally, which may include a number of joint marketing and promotional activities. 


Each Seller acknowledges and agrees that it is responsible to ensure that the use of Barn2Door Services is permitted under the laws of its jurisdiction to facilitate the direct sales of its products. You agree to indemnify and hold Barn2Door harmless if your use of the Service is in violation of any law (federal, state or local). Where required by law, you agree to post all disclosures required by law with respect to your given products, and post a privacy policy that, at a minimum, discloses any and all uses of personal information that you collect from users including any information collected via the Service. You agree to indemnify and defend Barn2Door from and against any and all claims stemming from your failure to comply with all laws, including the collection and payment of taxes, or your failure or refusal to abide by the Terms and provisions of any applicable disclosure obligations or privacy policies.


You acknowledge that Barn2Door's Service is offered as a platform to facilitate direct purchases from Sellers and is not offered for other purposes, such as reseller or distribution rights. Accordingly, you understand and agree to use the Service solely for the purpose of participating as a direct Seller and/or Buyer of products sold through online stores powered by Barn2Door. Additionally, the purpose of Barn2Door's Service is to facilitate online transactions, not store data. Using an account primarily as an online storage space, including the storage or caching of a disproportionate percentage of pictures, movies, audio files, or other non-HTML content, is prohibited. You further agree that if, at Barn2Door's sole discretion, you are deemed to have violated this section, or if Barn2Door, in its sole discretion, deems it necessary due to excessive burden or potential adverse impact on Barn2Door's systems, potential adverse impact on other users, server processing power, server memory, abuse controls, or other reasons, Barn2Door may suspend or terminate your account with or without notice and without any liability to you.


Barn2Door reserves the right to investigate you, your business, and/or your owners, officers, directors, managers, and other principals, your sites, and the materials comprising the sites at any time. These investigations will be conducted solely for Barn2Door's benefit, and not for your benefit or that of any third party. If the investigation reveals any information, act, or omission, which in Barn2Door's sole opinion, constitutes a violation of any local, state, federal, or foreign law or regulation, this Agreement, or is otherwise deemed harm the Service, Barn2Door may immediately shut down your access to the Service. In the event of any unlawful activity (real or perceived), Barn2Door may also elect to notify appropriate governing officials or agencies to pursue action. You agree to waive any cause of action or claim you may have against Barn2Door for such action, including but not limited to any disruption to your business. You acknowledge that Barn2Door may, at its own discretion, reveal the information about your web server to alleged copyright holders or other complaints who have filed bona-fide complaints with us.


You agree to indemnify and hold Barn2Door, and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, co-branders or other partners, and employees, harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of your use of the Service or any third party services made available through Barn2Door, your connection to the Service, your violation of the Terms , your obligations to collect and/or pay taxes (as applicable) in any jurisdiction, your obligations to pay all payment processing and transaction fees (including any refunds, credits, promotional discounts, or any canceled orders), your obligations to comply with any food handling, distribution, delivery requirements, your obligations to comply with any packaging, labeling, or disclosure requirements, your obligations to comply with any and all other applicable regulatory requirements, any and all asserted claims by any person of a death, illness or other malady allegedly due to the purchase or consumption of your products, or your violation of any rights of another.





Barn2Door pricing plans and available features with each tier are published and maintained online at The specific prices and details for each pricing plan may be updated from time to time as Barn2Door continually enhances its Services. All pricing plans include a set-up fee and a recurring subscription fee. Setup fees are always paid by Sellers in advance at the time of signup. Subscription fees are collected in advance from Sellers based on the selected Term. All payments to Barn2Door at the time of signup are by credit card only. We do not accept cash, check or money orders. 

Barn2Door Services are available to Sellers on a term of either: (i) a recurring monthly subscription service (based on calendar months); or (ii) a recurring annual subscription service (based on 12 calendar months). At the time of sign-up a Seller may elect to subscribe to Barn2Door Services based on either term - a subscription monthly or annual subscription term (the “Term”). When upgrading a subscription or signing up for “add-on” services, the additional costs will be prorated to the day plus any incremental difference in set-up fees (between subscription tiers). There is a minimum charge of one-calendar month for any Barn2Door Services (e.g. You may not sign-up and pay for only 11 days of use).

REFUNDS ARE ONLY AVAILABLE WITHIN THE FIRST SEVEN (7) DAYS AFTER YOUR INITIAL SIGNUP. If you don’t like this Agreement, then you are free to terminate the use of our Services any time in the first seven (7) days. As a condition, Seller agrees and accepts that as a condition of any refund, Seller will not disparage Barn2Door or its Services in any venue or forum, online or offline.

After the initial seven (7) days following signup, Sellers who have subscribed for Services, will not be entitled to any refund (in whole or in part) for any payments paid to date for your premature termination prior to the conclusion of your then-current term. For sake of clarity, there are NO REFUNDS of setup fees, and there are NO PARTIAL REFUNDS for monthly or annual terms. 

In any case, a Seller’s subscription automatically renews for each term (monthly or annual), unless canceled in advance with 30 days written notice by contacting us through our Contact Form available here:  Notification of the cancellation of Services will not be effective until the next full calendar month (if the Term is monthly). A Seller may upgrade from monthly to an annual subscription at any time, which will be effective immediately and charged on the next billing cycle. However, a Seller may not downgrade to a monthly subscription, until the conclusion of the then-current annual subscription. A Seller may upgrade from one monthly plan to another monthly plan (e.g. Entrepreneur to Business) at any time, which will be effective immediately and charged on the next billing cycle. However, a Seller may not downgrade its monthly subscription plan (e.g. Business to Entrepreneur), until the conclusion of twelve months at the given monthly subscription tier. If a Seller fails to cancel their renewal in a timely manner and subsequently disputes their subscription fees, then Barn2Door reserves the right to close a Seller’s account and assess a $15 dispute fee. If a Seller on annual subscription has less than $100 in volume in the preceding 180 days prior to their next billing date (annual renewal), then Barn2Door may automatically convert the Seller to a monthly subscription (to provide the Seller with flexibility, should they choose to cancel Services).

As a condition of Service, Sellers acknowledge and agree to maintain a valid bank account and  default credit card on file at all times to manage each Seller’s orders, payments, deposits and refunds for the duration of the Services plus three (3) years to comply with applicable statute of limitations in the event of fraud or dispute. 

You agree that Barn2Door may, under certain circumstances and without prior notice, may immediately terminate your Barn2Door account, any associated email address, and access to the Site and associated Services. Cause for such termination shall include, but not be limited to: (a) breaches or violations of the Terms or other incorporated agreements (e.g. Seller Requirements, Privacy) or other guidelines (including breaching the “Golden Rule” – failing to treat others as you would expect to be treated); (b) requests by law enforcement or other government agencies; (c) a request by you (self-initiated account deletions); (d) discontinuance or material modification to the Service (or any part thereof); (e) unexpected technical or security issues or problems; (f) extended periods of inactivity; (g) you have engaged or are reasonably suspected to be engaged in fraudulent or illegal activities; (h) having provided false information as part of your account; (i) having failed to keep your account complete, true, and accurate; (j) any use of the Service deemed at Barn2Door's sole discretion to be prohibited; (k) use of any unauthorized or fraudulent payment methods; and/or (l) nonpayment of any fees owed by you in connection with the Site and associated Services. 

Further, you agree that all terminations for cause shall be made in Barn2Door's sole discretion and that Barn2Door shall not be liable to you or any third-party for any termination of your account, access to the Service, or any disruption to your services such a termination may cause. You expressly agree that in the case of a termination for cause you will not have any opportunity to cure. You further acknowledge and agree that notwithstanding any termination, your obligations to Barn2Door set forth in Sections 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, and 24-32 shall survive such termination.


Barn2Door welcomes and encourages ideas, comments and suggestions to improve our Software and Services (collectively “Feedback”). Under no circumstances, shall any Feedback offered directly to Barn2Door, or made through any third-party, accessible site, community forum, or public reviews, be entitled to any form of compensation or treated as confidential (regardless of how Feedback is submitted or posted). You expressly waive any and all rights in the Feedback, and Barn2Door is free to incorporate and/or implement the Feedback, without obtaining any permission or license from you (or any third party).


Barn2Door regularly hosts activities for Sellers to engage, comment, share and solicit suggestions from other Barn2Door users (the “Community”). The Community may include a variety of interactive resources online and in-person (e.g. Barn2Door Academy, Barn2Door Connect, Barn2Door Events) to make available advice, instructions and insights offered by other Community participants. Barn2Door is not responsible for the content, comments, suggestions or advice in the Community (and we make no warranties as to the accuracy or efficacy of information posted). By participating in the Community, you acknowledge and agree to these terms and agree to comply with the following guidelines:

  • Be Respectful. Be kind in your interactions. Treat others in the same way you would expect to be treated (as if your grandmother was reading or listening).

  • Ask Questions. When asking questions, make them specific to Barn2Door Software and Services. The best questions are brief and to the point (no more than 2-3 sentences - max). If other participants need more clarity, they’ll ask.

  • Answer Questions. Be concise. Answering questions is a great way to help fellow Sellers implement best practices. But, be mindful that quality is better than quantity.

  • Be Original. Think about questions and comments before asking or sharing with the Community (and, please stay on topic).

  • No Solicitations Please. Solicitations for your products, services or referrals are not permitted (even if your Farm offers a product or service that could help another Farm).

  • No Politics, Political Causes or Policy Debates. The goal of the Community Forum is to focus on the tools, tactics and best practices for success; it is not intended to foment political discord or diatribes.

  • No Redirects or Outside Links. While we encourage you to share or suggest other resources that may be valuable to another Seller, you may not post any contact information (phone, email, URL or hyperlinks) that could be exploited for improper use.

  • No Personal Information. When posting questions, reviews or comments, please do not share your personal information, including your email address, phone numbers, home address, or any payment details.


Barn2Door is a pass-through network and caches content for a limited period. Barn2Door cannot guarantee the availability of any content in our caches or databases when it has been removed from by a Seller or after termination of our Services. Barn2Door is not a hosting provider and has no way of removing abusive content on third party hosting services. Individuals or copyright holders concerned with content served through Barn2Door's network may submit a written complaint for investigation to Barn2Door by contacting Legal through our Contact Us form.

By submitting a complaint, you acknowledge that, at Barn2Door's sole discretion, copies of the complaint may be provided to the Barn2Door user, the user's hosting provider, posted on the Site, and/or provided to third party services. Complaints may be submitted in writing online at


Barn2Door may modify this Agreement in its sole discretion from time-to-time, with or without notice. Any and all changes to this Agreement will be posted on the Site. In addition, the Agreement will indicate the date it was last revised. You are deemed to accept and agree to be bound by any changes to the Agreement when you use the Service after those changes are posted.


The Service may provide, or third parties may provide, links to other websites or resources. Because Barn2Door has no control over such sites and resources, you acknowledge and agree that Barn2Door is not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials on or available from such sites or resources. You further acknowledge and agree that Barn2Door shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content.


Each Seller acknowledges and agrees, as a condition of the use of Services, Barn2Door shall be permitted to identify you as a Seller, to use your name in connection with proposals to prospective customers, to hyperlink to a Seller’s home page, to display your logo on the Site, and to otherwise refer to you in print or electronic form for marketing or reference purposes.

Barn2Door may offer certain promotions from time-to-time to highlight the use, tactics and success of certain Sellers utilizing our Software and Services (“Promotions”). By voluntarily participating in a Barn2Door Promotions, and sharing your comments photo, video, and/or audio in response to a specific call-to-action (e.g. please post a picture on Social Media with a specific hashtag), you acknowledge and agree to grant the Company a perpetual, irrevocable and worldwide license, to use and republish such assets for business purposes without further consent or consideration from you, provided, however, the Company may not use or sell such assets for any non-business purposes.


You agree that, except as otherwise expressly provided in these Terms, there shall be no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement.


The failure of Barn2Door to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of the Terms is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of the Terms remain in full force and effect.


If any provision of the Terms is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of the Terms remain in full force and effect.


You agree that you may not transfer your Barn2Door account to any other parties (other than through legal acquisition and transfer of your business) except with the written consent of Barn2Door.


You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of the Site must be filed within one year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred.


If you believe that your work has been made available on the Site in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide our copyright compliance officer with  the following information: (1) physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner; (2) description of the copyrighted work you claim has been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works; (3) a description of the material that you claim is infringing and where that material be accessed on the Site; (3) your contact information including address, telephone number and e-mail address; (4) a statement that you have a good faith belief the accused usage is infringing; and (5) a statement by you under penalty of perjury that the information in the notice is accurate and that you are duly authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner. Our copyright compliance officer may be reached as follows:

Attn. Barn2Door Legal

4501 Charlotte Ave, PO Box 92460, Nashville, TN 37209

Online at

Please note that under Section 512(f) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material is infringing may be subject to liability.  If you are unsure whether material on the Site is infringing, we suggest that you contact an attorney prior to sending notice.


These Terms are governed by the laws of the State of Tennessee, without reference to its conflict of laws provisions.  You agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in Davidson County, Tennessee for any action regarding enforcement of these Terms or related to these Terms, the Site, or the Services.


We do not guarantee availability of the Site at all times of the day. Nor do we guarantee availability of any third-party services or integrations.  We may from time to time perform upgrades, updates or otherwise make the Site unavailable.  To the maximum extent authorized under applicable law, we reserve the right to change, remove, delete, restrict, block access to, or stop providing any or all of the Site at any time and without notice.  We have no obligation to provide ongoing access to or support for the Site incongruent with these Terms of Service.


We may give you all required notices (including legal process) by any lawful method, including by posting notices on the Site or by sending notice to any email address you provide to us (as part of your Seller or Buyer account profile).  You agree to send notices to us by submitting them to Barn2Door in writing at our address above, with a copy submitted online to Legal via our contact form, here:


These Terms of Use are available at: They incorporate by reference Barn2Door’s privacy policy and Seller requirements, which may be updated from time to time. While translations of these Terms may be provided in multiple languages for your convenience, the English language version hosted at the link above is binding for all users of the Site and the Barn2Door Service.

We appreciate the time, care and attention you have given to read through our Terms of Use. If you have any questions, please ask. We welcome your comments or concerns; please submit them online at We also welcome your suggestions as we constantly seek to improve our service and transparency for Sellers and Buyers alike, while respecting your individual concerns.

Seller Requirements




The following practices are required of all Sellers posting food for sale on Barn2Door. We reserve the right to suspend Sellers in our sole judgment, with or without notice, who do not comply with Barn2Door quality standards and practices. If anyone suspects a Seller is not following best practices, we encourage any Buyer to contact us.

We appreciate Sellers who value heirloom seeds and heritage breeds, actively work to increase biodiversity, care for their environment and living conditions of animals, and strive to make their farm ecosystem as healthy as possible. We encourage and promote sustainable and regenerative practices that align with principles of good stewardship of the environment.

Barn2Door strongly advocates for food and inputs that are NOT derived from genetically-modified-organisms (GMOs). GMO-based seeds, plants or products are not allowed for sale via Barn2Door. That said, we acknowledge non-GMO feed inputs are sometimes difficult to validate or ascertain. For example, animal feed inputs may include restaurant, bakery or grocery extras (a good sustainable practice), and ingredients cannot be identified as organic or GMO-free. Sellers may sell products from those animals via Barn2Door but must expressly state all feed inputs.


Barn2Door invites Farmers to sell food (produce or livestock) grown, harvested and minimally processed directly from your farm, ranch, boat or garden. In addition to raw food production, Sellers may also offer sales of pantry products and other non-food items that are sourced from your farm (e.g. wool, flowers, gardens, nursery, and trees). Barn2Door may NOT be used to sell any “Pets” or “Specialty Animals” - such as cats, dogs, snakes or big game for hunting or collection. If you have any questions or product recommendations, we encourage you to contact us.



The Seller accepts and agrees that 90% or more of Seller’s gross revenues derived from products sold through Barn2Door Services comply with these Seller Requirements. The sale of sundry items and goods may be non-compliant (e.g. a hot sauce or chutney ), but Seller accepts and agrees those items may not constitute a material amount (more than 10%) of gross revenues for products sold via Barn2Door. Seller agrees and accepts that it shall not offer any “commodity” goods and products for sale via Barn2Door.


While Barn2Door does not endorse any individual association or specific set of guidelines and certifications, we do encourage Sellers to follow best practices published by these leading organizations, and preferably hold at least one certification (to verify Seller practices):

The above guidelines and certifications are not exclusive; Barn2Door may add or omit additional guidelines from time-to-time. If a Seller utilizes third party certifications to promote their products, then Sellers warrant and represent they are in compliance with all their then-current guidelines. Sellers agree and accept they will also communicate if certain certifications are per product, or if they extend to the entirety of a Seller’s operation.


As set forth in Barn2Door Terms of Use, Sellers agrees and accepts that the Seller maintains sole and exclusive responsibility for compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations pertaining to their specific food products, including, but not limited to, handling, packaging, transit, temperature controls and consumer disclosures.


All fruit, vegetables, mushrooms and plant products are acceptable. As a rule, all produce should be derived and grown from non-GMO seed and inputs. The regular and routine use of chemicals, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and any glyphosate (aka Round-up) or derivatives thereof, is forbidden for any Sellers offering produce via Barn2Door; except, however, as applied pursuant to an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program, used to combat an infestation to save your crops or trees (at the direction of a horticulture specialist), or if otherwise required by law in your state or country. In the interest of full transparency, Sellers agree to fully disclose to Buyers any produce that has been subjugated to any non-natural control or abatement practices. 


As a rule, all animals should have adequate space to express natural behaviors and shelter from weather and predators. Without exception, all animal products for sale via Barn2Door should not be given hormones and should not receive routine antibiotics to offset substandard feed quality and living conditions. Antibiotics administered under the supervision of a veterinarian to address or treat a specific illness or issue are acceptable to save the life of the animal. In the interest of full transparency, Sellers agree to fully disclose to Buyers any animals that have been treated with antibiotics. 


All pastured and free-range birds may be offered for sale via Barn2Door. This should include free range access or movable pens (e.g. chicken tractors) with adequate space for running, jumping, foraging and other natural behaviors. No-debeaking practices or synthetic yolk colorants are allowed. Fresh grit, dust bath areas, supplemental feed and shelter from predators should be available. Waterfowl should have access to clean water deep enough to submerge their head.


Livestock raised for meat purposes must be pastured, grass-fed and ideally, grass-finished. We recognize that some consumers prefer grain-finished livestock; however if a Seller does grain finish their products, it must be disclosed to the consumer. This means all grain inputs, specification of brands, origins, practices, quality and duration of grain-finishing should be linked to your given products. Any supplements, hay or other inputs must be communicated as well. Livestock should be rotated regularly, humanely treated, and always have access to fresh water.

Sellers are welcome to list meats by the cut or by shares of an animal. Please include all slaughter and butcher fees in the price of posted proteins, and include butcher contact info in your item details (if required). Sellers are also welcome to offer dried jerky and sausage(s) without non-natural or artificial additives.


Pigs should be afforded adequate space for movement, foraging outside and clean air and water. If your pigs are fed scraps and food waste, then all feed inputs must be disclosed, including but not limited to restaurant, bakery, grocery extras (a good sustainable practice). Further, all feed and inputs must be communicated including but not limited to feed brands, origins, practices and quality.


Fresh, frozen, dried and canned seafood are acceptable if harvested by or for the Seller represented in their store. Filets and whole fish, jerky, roe, smoked seafood and lox are welcome (and highly coveted). Sellers are also welcome to offer oysters, muscles, shrimp, prawns, lobster, squid, octopi and any other form of sustainably harvested seafood. 



Fresh milk, cream and eggs, any other dairy products made by the producer may be sold on Barn2Door. Cheese, butter, yogurt, kefir and other fermented and aged dairy products are allowed if they are made specifically using a single farm's milk, with the intention of being sold by the farmer. 

Dairy cows, goats and sheep should be grass-fed and pastured daily (weather-permitting). Any supplements, hay or other inputs must be clearly communicated per item. Dairy animals should be rotated regularly and always have access to fresh water. A limited amount of grain is acceptable, but never more than a non-material amount (<10%). All inputs must be identified and communicated to customers.


All seeds, nuts, grains, flowers, plants, shrubs, trees and starters are acceptable. As a rule, all these products should be derived and grown from non-GMO seed and inputs. Heritage products are especially encouraged. The regular and routine use of chemicals, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and any glyphosate (aka Round-up) or derivatives thereof, is strictly forbidden for any Sellers offering these items via Barn2Door. The sole exception is the limited and controlled use to combat an infestation to save your crops or trees (at the direction of a horticulture specialist), or if required by law. In the interest of full transparency, Sellers agree to fully disclose to Buyers any produce that has been subjugated to any non-natural control or abatement practices. 


Honey and syrup must be harvested from treatment-free bees and trees. All honey and syrup must be 100% pure and must contain no additives, diluents, colorants or sugars. Other edible products from the hive are also allowed (i.e. bee pollen, comb, propolis). 


Shelf-stable pantry produced by Farmers are acceptable. This includes a wide variety of pickled products, flours, oils, vinegars, jams, dried goods, coffee, teas and sauces. Any additives must be disclosed to the buyer and must be free of artificial additives, diluents, colorants or sugar (e.g. corn syrup).


Sellers are encouraged to offer a variety of non-Food items via Barn2Door, provided they are produced on farm as value-added goods (typically associated with a Farmer).  Non-food items may include, but is not limited to, wool, fiber, yarn, candles, soaps, firewood, wreaths, compost, livestock feed, hides and bones are allowed. Tickets for Farm events, dinners, classes and tours are also encouraged. And, Farm swag that promotes a Sellers’ brand and identity (e.g. hats and shirts) are also welcome.


Sellers may NOT offer any controlled substances, such as alcohol, cannabis or other products subject to regulatory controls, that are prohibited or restricted by federal, state or local authorities. Sellers accept and agree to comply with Barn2Door’s Terms of Use

Sellers products that are derived from or include any artificial additives, diluents, colorants and sugars (e.g. corn syrup) are never allowed to be sold via Barn2Door.  Seller also agrees not to utilize any nitrites, sodium (MSG), flavor enhancers, food coloring or dyes to preserve, enhance or flavor their products.



Sellers set their own prices on Barn2Door. Sellers will have the option to add separate, additional fee(s) for direct delivery or shipping. Sellers agree and accept that prices for any products on Barn2Door will match or be less than prices listed through any other available channels (including promos, items or special discounts).


Sellers utilizing Barn2Door are held to a high standard including but not limited to employing sustainable practices, and providing transparency on all food, animal and inputs. Sellers agree to stand behind every product offered for sale via Barn2Door.

Sellers agree to provide exceptional customer service to their buyers, to seek their trust and satisfaction through quality products, practices and information. Barn2Door enforces transparency, trust and good service; we want buyers to shop confidently and to be happy with every order they receive from Sellers utilizing Barn2Door.

Sellers who stand behind their product may occasionally need to provide a refund to their customers. This may include a partial or full refund if: the customer is unhappy with the quality of the product; the product was not fresh or was damaged in some way; the product was not delivered in a timely manner; or the product was not accurately represented in the Seller’s item posting. 


Barn2Door takes quality standards and compliance obligations seriously. We may choose to audit the accuracy of farming practices and product representations of Sellers to ensure accountability, quality controls and compliance.

Sellers are solely responsible for the accuracy of their profile, as well as all information in items and about their products, including applicable legal and regulatory disclosure that may pertain to their products. Barn2Door requires full disclosure regarding soil, farm and feed inputs to best promote transparency. Any Seller who knowingly misrepresents their products or practices may be immediately suspended from use of the Barn2Door.

Barn2Door is honored to support Sellers who are committed to promote and provide the highest quality, sustainably-produced food and products to their communities.