Local Farmer Buyer Trends for 2023

In a rapidly changing world, the way people access Food has changed significantly in the last few years. For Farms to drive profits and build successful businesses, it’s essential to understand the behaviors and preferences of your target Buyers. Today, understanding consumers' preferences and how they want to access your Farm products can make or break your business. Why? Because with a direct-to-market business model, Buyers are at the foundation of your Farms’ success.

At Barn2Door, we surveyed over 30,000 local buyers to learn how and where they prefer to shop from local Farms, what they think about shopping for Food online, and how they want to interact with local Farm businesses.


Download the complete 2023 Buyer Trends Infographic!

Let’s dive into some of the biggest buying trends Farmers should know for 2023.

Today, shopping is an “always-on” experience where buyers are in a constant state of purchasing. Using technology to look through social media and emails, people are targeted by 100’s of companies everyday. In the “old” days, shopping was an active experience, making a list and visiting physical stores for specific items. Now, with algorithms, smart data, and a point-and-click purchase experience, shopping has become easy and passive.

The good news for Farmers is that buyers prefer to shop for local products and are willing to pay a premium for those products. When paired with extra conveniences – online and in-person shopping channels, Subscriptions, and flexible fulfillments (Delivery and Pick-up), local Farms win.


In-Person vs. Online Sales

For Farms to meet the needs of consumers today, your business needs to be available anytime, anywhere. With an online presence (Farm branded website and designated eCommerce storefront) coupled with in-person opportunities (farmer’s market, drop-off points, pick-up locations), buyers will be able to shop and interact with your Farm business no matter where they are. 

By making your Farm available online and in-person, you’ll remove any barriers and excuses of why someone “can’t” purchase from your Farm. With flexible purchase options and the ability to accept credit and debit cards, more buyers will be able to conveniently shop from your Farm – no matter where they come in contact with your products.


Farm Fulfillment Options

Convenience has become an expectation of ALL consumers today, so it’s essential that your Farm offers the same shopping conveniences that buyers receive elsewhere (Amazon, Target, etc.). Not only should your Fulfillment options be convenient for your customers, but they should also be convenient for you and worth your time.

The best way to make accessing your Farm convenient is to insert yourself into buyers’ Local Loop. The Local Loop is the weekly routine that buyers engage in out of habit. When Farms make accessing their products convenient, buyers won’t have an excuse not to buy from you. Locations in your buyers’ loop can vary but typically include places they attend weekly. Post your Farm flyer and email QR code on the bulletin board in local businesses, schools, and places of worship to drive awareness of your Farm.


Farm Brand & Marketing  

A strong Brand has the power to improve customer loyalty, attract more buyers, and drive consistent orders. The key is to keep your Farm top of mind among buyers – so when they’re ready to shop for local Farm products, they think of your Farm first.

The best way to stay top of mind among customers is to be “present” where your buyers are everyday – in their email inbox and on social media. Buyers want to interact with your Farm and be reminded to shop from your store. Regular communication through email and social media is key to driving consistent orders and creating meaningful relationships with your customers.


Barn2Door provides an all-in-one solution to grow and manage your Farm business. If you’re curious to learn why successful Farms run on Barn2Door, watch this 5-minute video.


3 Steps to Your Farm’s First Order


Google My Business: A Free Billboard for your Farm