RECAP: 2020 Pick TN Conference

This past weekend, Barn2Door attended the 2020 Pick TN Conference in Franklin, TN. The town was quaint, lined with brick buildings and visiting Farmers from near and far. Vendors and speakers from surrounding states attracted folks eager for knowledge and tools that could benefit their Farms. Everyone was extremely friendly (Southern Hospitality is serious business), and hungry for information to further their current endeavors. Our hotel provided local products and great conversation with other attendees. 

Sessions consisted of everything from marketing and partnerships (the Farm Veteran’s Coalition was there advertising a new chapter coming to TN) to production and navigating the realities of farming in Tennessee—such as harsh winters and hot summers. 

Session: Native Bee Pollinators

Speaker: David Cook 


  • Bees are responsible for 1 of every 3 food bites we eat 

  • There are over 4,000 species of bees in North America (400 in TN alone!)

  • Increasing native plants in suburban areas will promote pollinators

  • Farmers and non-farmers can take actions to promote their health (example: pruning practices)

Session: Managing High Tunnels for Year Round Production

Speaker: Rachel Rudoplph 


  • High Tunnels help Farms reach their goals by extending the growing season 

  • Consider temperature management and ventilation, using electricity to manage these factors can help your high tunnel last longer 

  • Cool and Warm season crops in the same high tunnel can be difficult to manage. Know the different needs of what you’re growing before combining in a high tunnel

  • Depending on the design, high tunnels can extend the season a few weeks, or to the entire year 

We were able to connect with Farmers at every stage of production—from those who are just starting out to those who have been in this industry for generations. We had great conversations with surrounding vendors and Farmers curious about Barn2Door. It’s always a treat for us to share our passion for Farms and establish fantastic relationships.


RECAP: Moses Organic Farming Conference


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