Small Businesses are Eager to Partner with Your Farm Business

Small businesses are the backbone of America and local economies. In fact, 99% of 2.1 million Farmers in America, qualify as a small business (earning less than $5M in gross farm cash income). And, small business Farmers today, account for more than three-quarters of all food production in the United States. Thank you for all your hard work!

In addition to Farmers, there are another 25 million small businesses in America. They, too, provide many of the goods, products and services that we need and consume in our daily lives. Consider all the places your Buyers frequent — coffee shops, bakeries, cafes, restaurants, diners, gyms, crossfit studios, yoga studios, barber shops, salons, nurseries, dentists, doctors, chiropractors, and a myriad of others!


Much like Farmers, most small businesses are family-owned and operated. They, too, are competing with big corporations and commodity producers, to build market awareness in their local communities and a loyal base of Buyers. 

Many small businesses are eager to partner with your Farm business (e.g. hosting a Pick-up). It is a win-win! Here are the four (4) key reasons why Small Businesses want to work with you

Foot Traffic

Every small business is looking for more foot traffic to spur additional sales. The beauty of Farm products is that they are often consumed daily, weekly or monthly (at a minimum). Your Farm products are in demand all the time. When a small business chooses to partner with your Farm, you can build a recurring base of Buyers who will visit their venue for a Pick-up on a frequent basis.

Ancillary Sales

Every time a Buyer chooses a small business venue for a Pick-up, there is an opportunity to help drive ancillary sales. It may be as simple as an “add-on” product from a coffee shop or bakery. Or, you may bring a Buyer to a local gym who decides to sign-up as a member (or take a class). In any event, you’re creating the opportunity for an upsell that previously did not exist.


Double Your Reach (Joint Marketing)

When your Farm is promoting its products for local Pick-up, you are driving market awareness for that local small business (versus relying on word of mouth alone). Collectively, there is an opportunity for joint marketing, across the base of each other's buyers (e.g. joint social posts or email campaigns, potentially doubling the audience for both your Farm and the small business owner).

Convenience for the Buyer (Local Loop)

Partnering locally is all about convenience for the Buyer, increasing the value of the relationship with your Farm and the small business partner. Why would a Buyer frequent another venue, when they can “kill two birds with one stone” and save time with a single stop (instead of two). Anything that can make it easier for Buyers, is a good thing to build loyalty.

Today’s Buyers are all about shopping from small businesses. 94% of American Adults would prefer to shop local and support small businesses, versus purchasing a commodity alternative. By partnering with a local business for your Farm Pick-ups, you’re making it more convenient for Buyers. And, these type of partnerships help another business owner, like you, who is seeking to better serve their local community.

Start by reaching out to small business owners that you know from church, school or other civic groups. You may be surprised to learn that many small business owners are eager to partner with your Farm to help drive a win-win!

Barn2Door is an all-in-one solution for Farmers selling direct – online and in-person. To learn why successful Farms run on Barn2Door, watch this 5-minute video.


Mobile Wallets Now Supported by the Barn2Door POS


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