Engaging Buyers Online Can Supplement Your Relationships and Increase Loyalty

The average American adult spends 6 hours per day online. While that may be hard to believe, it is a great opportunity for your Farm to build an even closer relationship with your Buyers and increase loyalty. 

While some believe online interactions are impersonal, the reality is that your Farm can bring your customers even closer. Engaging Buyers through various channels (web, mobile, social, and email) and sharing your story, your practices and your products online, will help Buyers connect with you more than ever. 

Here’s how to engage with your Buyers online and foster a community with your Farm Brand: 


Your website is the best way to engage first-time Buyers. By including an “About” page, Buyers can learn your Farm’s story and what exactly makes your Farm unique - sustainable practices, diversity of products, and commitment to quality. Including photos of daily activities on the Farm or the products you offer will captivate visitors and drive them to your Store. Buyers want to connect with a Brand that speaks to them. If you evoke an emotional connection, then you’re already on your way to increasing loyalty. 


Email remains one of the most cost-effective tools used by Farmers to stay top-of-mind and spur consistent sales. By assembling an email list, you can engage your Customers regularly with order reminders and regular Farm updates. With the Barn2Door + Mailchimp integration, your Farm can automate product recommendations or send a regular Newsletter to build trust in your Brand. 

Social Media.

Social Media is an easy tool to access, engage and feature your customers. With the ability to like, comment, and share posts across most social media apps, it’s easy to interact with your Buyers. By posting stories on Instagram or updating Buyers with a Facebook post about happenings on the Farm, you’ll easily build a connection with your followers. Social media is called “social” for a reason! Use the platform to affirm your Customer relationships (e.g. take a picture of a Buyer at a delivery or pickup, then ask to “tag” them in a post to then reach their audience of followers ).

Delivery and Pick-Ups.

Your face-to-face interactions with your Customers can be even more meaningful, when orders are already completed online ahead of time. Instead of “collecting payments” during a delivery or pickup, you can now focus 100% of your energy on the in-person relationship and putting a face to your Farm Brand.

There are many ways to build a personal connection with your Buyers without the need to take orders through text, call, or email. Your Farm Store is simply a tool to take orders and payments, streamline your process, and meet the expectations of Buyers to purchase online anytime, anywhere. 

You can and should engage Buyers regularly online, sharing your story across channels to create a more loyal Customer base. Instead of relying exclusively on face-to-face interactions to build a relationship, spend time engaging Customers socially, sharing your Brand story with regular emails and conveying your Farm values on your website. 

Barn2Door is an all-in-one solution to grow and manage your Farm business. If you’re curious to learn why successful Farms run on Barn2Door, watch this 5-minute video.


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