The Importance of "Order Reminders" in a Digital Age

In today’s world, people depend on technology. With a smartphone in their pocket, information is just a click away. Your average customer relies on their smartphone to remind them of everything—from paying their bills online to remembering their dental appointments. In fact, 85% of Americans who own a smartphone experience what is known as “digital amnesia”—people forget! That’s why so many Americans rely on reminders to remember appointments, when an order is being delivered, or when they need to pay off a bill.

That’s why for your Farm to stay “top-of-mind,” you must send routine emails from your Farm business. A part of frequent emails from your Farm includes Order Reminders – essential to make sure customers follow through and complete a purchase(s) from your Farm. 


90% of customers are more likely to do business with your Farm if you send them reminders. Put yourself in your customers’ shoes: you’re a busy, 36-year-old mother of three who is conscious about the health of your children, with countless tasks, juggling multiple schedules, and no time to attend a farmer’s market. With order reminders, that mother is more likely to choose your Farm when it’s time to restock the fridge. 

Regular reminders from your Farm keeps you top of mind. In fact, Farmers who send regular order reminders enjoy a +28% higher average order volume. All of the largest and most successful companies are sending routine emails today - think about your own inbox! Businesses are constantly competing for a spot. Customers who subscribe to your emails expect to receive information about your Farm. Sending weekly Order Reminders makes it easy and convenient to order from your Farm. And nowadays, your customers have become so used to “easy shopping experiences'' online that they now expect to receive reminders from you. 

With email Order Reminders, you’ll generate more orders from your regular customers by 3x and help new customers complete their ordering process. Farmers who use Barn2Door can automatically send emails when a customer places an order and when they should purchase again on a regular basis (e.g., 1x per week). These reminders prompt customers to order, but they also remind them 24 hours before their fulfillment, pickup or delivery.


Customers want the option to order from your Farm anywhere, anytime, online. Only 1% of Americans regularly attend farmer’s markets, while 33% are constantly looking for local businesses to support online. A convenient ordering system is essential for customers to secure products from your Farm.

Sending order reminders is a powerful and clear marketing practice that drives awareness, attracts new customers, and increases sales. Not only will your customers save time, but they are more likely to show up and pickup their orders! Americans are busy, and it’s easy to forget a Pickup (especially if it’s on a day they aren’t used to!). With automation, you have the tools to easily remind customers and turn ordering from your Farm into a convenient and easy experience they expect. 

Order reminders work both ways—you too, will automatically get a “new order” email, “pick and pack” lists, and a delivery reminder for yourself depending on the dates you set up for delivery or pickup. You receive these emails automatically whenever a customer orders through your online store. Pretty cool, right? Automated email reminders help both you and your customers save time.

Barn2Door provides an all-in-one solution to grow and manage your Farm business. If you’re curious to learn why successful Farms run on Barn2Door, watch this 5-minute video.


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