How Farm POS Can Fuel your Sales

Farm POS in farmers market booth surrounded by produce.

Why Farm POS?

As an Independent Farmer, the capability to seamlessly serve your Buyers online and in-person is crucial. Your online and in-person sales must be fully synced to allow for a streamlined ordering process, avoiding any confusion or loss of profits or product. You will miss out on Buyers when they are not given multiple ways to shop. Not every Buyer will have cash to pay for your products at your Farm stand, nor will every customer have a credit card on hand.

You can please Buyers with an easy way to purchase from your Farm, and maintain loyal relationships with the Barn2Door Point-of-Sale (POS). Allow Buyers to choose their preferred payment method, show their appreciation through tipping, and capture the emails of any customer that may come across your booth.


Features of Barn2Door’s POS:

Single Merchant Account

All transactions are connected in one merchant account - whether they occur online or in-person. Your Farm can manage all your money in one place.

"I ordered the Barn2Door POS device. I appreciate the help with inventory management. Everything is in one place on the Barn2Door backend! So cool. The majority of my sales are in-person so this will be great for me to keep in-person and online sales in sync automatically!" - Protein Farmer, NY

Real-time Inventory Sync

All your products purchased, online or in-person, will be automatically deducted from your Farm inventory. Easily track what is in stock, out of stock, and identify low volume at any time.

"I really like the fact that the Barn2Door POS pulls inventory at the market because that is the hardest thing to do — to come home and re-adjust inventory after a day at the market. Now, I have got that time back!" - Protein Farmer, AR

Produce Farmers talking to buyers at a farmers market.

Sell to All your Buyers

If you serve retail, wholesale and/or private Buyers, you can easily toggle between different pricing sheets and packaging options for those specific customers. Instead of manually changing prices and unit sizes, you will have access to different variables depending on the customer type you are serving in person. At the market, during pick-ups or deliveries, you can switch between pricing sheets with a single toggle on the Barn2Door POS.

Flexible Payment Options

Take various payment methods for in-person sales using the Barn2Door POS terminal. Buyers can swipe, insert or tap card or phone payments, or pay with cash or check, with every transaction tracked on your device. Accept mobile wallets (Apple Pay and Google Pay), track cash payments or fill in check details to easily serve any Buyer.

"The fact that the Barn2Door POS does the chip and the swipe all in one is very helpful. And I can customize the inventory so I don't have to scroll through all my items! I'm gonna have to order a second one soon!" - Honey Farmer, TX

Fixed or Variable Weight Pricing

Whether your Farm sells products based on a fixed price, or sells by weight (or both!), your POS device can toggle between your preferences. Best of all, Barn2Door tracks the number of units separately from weight and price, so your inventory counts are accurate.

“Transactions on the Barn2Door POS are easy. I was surprised when using the Sell by Weight feature! Can't wait to use it at our upcoming event this Saturday!” - Protein Farmer, SC

Farmer and buyer conversing over produce at a farmers market.

Farmer Tips

You can enable tipping on your Barn2Door POS device to cover any credit card processing fees, or for Buyers to show their appreciation for your Farm. Accept 3%, 5% or 10% tips, or add your own custom tip options. In fact, your Farm has multiple options when it comes to tipping language, too (e.g. tip, gift, donation, cover fees).

No Signature Required

Checkout is speedy with the Barn2Door POS! You do not have to collect signatures during checkout, leading to less hassle for Buyers and a smoother, quicker checkout process.

Email Capture

Capture emails during checkout for FREE! With no additional costs per email collected, you can toggle on the option to prompt Buyers for their email address at checkout. Easily grow your email list for future marketing efforts.

"I am getting a lot of business with the Barn2Door POS. We did more business in 3 hours than we did in 3 days at the farmstand. We also got so many more emails, we don't even ask them half the time, they just sign up!" - Produce Farmer, TX


Try POS for your Farm

Try a Barn2Door POS device today to seamlessly connect to your Farm eCommerce with all your in-person sales. Connect multiple devices to your merchant account to access sales from various locations. Maximize your ability to serve in-person and online Buyers to increase sales.

The cost of your initial device ($59) will be reimbursed automatically when you exceed your first $1,000 of POS sales in the first 6 months following your initial sign-up!



Independent Farmers increase their sales by giving Buyers a simple way to purchase online and in-person. Make it easy and increase Buyer loyalty by offering your customers a streamlined experience - online and in-person. As the Barn2Door POS continues to advance and offer new features, your Farm will have even more capabilities to serve customers in a multitude of avenues.

Barn2Door offers software for Independent Farmers to create and promote their brand, sell online and in-person, and save time managing their business. If you’re curious to learn more, watch this 5-minute video.


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