How to Build a Farm Brand that Attracts Buyers

Establishing a Farm Brand

The Foundation of your Farm

Your Farm Brand is the sum of Buyer interactions with your business that help your Farm stand out and differentiate your products from other alternatives. Your Brand should reflect the foundations of your Farm - from how you raise your products, your commitment to quality, to your relationship with your local community.

Dan and Debbie's Creamery branded handmade soap with their logo on the packaging.

Your “Why” is the meaning behind your Farm Brand. If you have a strong connection to the beginning of your Farm business, it will remind you why growing and harvesting your products is always important (even on the hard days). Your “Why” is also crucial when choosing what products to sell, your marketing strategy, and your relationship with local Buyers. Your “Why” should keep your Farm grounded and help you avoid falling for the ‘hype’ or for competitive gimmicks.

Your Core Values should embody your ‘Why,’ providing a foundation for every decision you make and product you sell on the Farm. Core Values may include specific words or phrases that you go back to every time you describe your Farm.

For example, ‘Local’, ‘Sustainable’ and ‘Family-operated’ may be core values that remind you of why you sell in your area, remain committed to regenerative practices, and work through challenges with family members for the good of your business. These are the root beliefs of your Farm that create the foundation from which you operate.

Standing out Visually

It is important to maintain a consistent visual presence that reflects your Brand, to allow for easy Buyer identification on the road (Farm stands), at markets and on every package. A logo is the main identifier for any business, and to maintain a professional image that is distinct and easy to recognize. Your Farm logo should reflect your Brand and Core Values.

Your logo can be used across packaging, tape, signage and social profiles to maintain a consistent presence online, and in-person. If you lack consistent Brand imagery, your Farm may be difficult for Buyers to identify in a crowd, or fail to communicate your products and practices. A consistent Brand presence will make it easy for Buyers to find you online and in-person.


Farm Marketing Online

Social Media

Your social media profiles should have consistent names, pictures and biographies. If you have a different Farm name on various social platforms, your Buyers will not know how to find you across different applications. Many successful Farms use their logo as their profile picture because it is the most recognizable aspect of their Brand for Buyers. In your social biography, you can explain your products, core values and location to give customers the best overview of your business. 

Consistently post on your social media accounts to engage followers. Your posts should pertain to your Farm, not to confuse Buyers with personal posts (Note: always maintain a separate Farm business profile from your personal social accounts). Posting a day on the Farm, recipes, your Farm presence at local businesses, schools or markets will entice Buyers to purchase your products and reaffirm your Farm Brand.

Farm Website

Make your Farm Website easy to find and access online - linked directly to your Google My Business (GMB) and Social Media profiles (this will also improve SEO). Your Website should be easy to navigate, feature key phrases that explain your Farm products and be consistently updated.

Grass Fed Cattle Co.'s packaged Subscriptions on a doorstep with a branded sticker.

Your imagery and design elements (colors, fonts) should be consistent throughout your web pages to look professional, and reflect the branding of your product packaging and Farm Logo.

Every visible frame of your Website on computer, laptop or mobile, should include a link to your Farm Store to make it easy to Shop. Buyers will exit from your page if they have to scroll through too much information or find your navigation confusing.

Buyers should have every opportunity to secure a purchase from your Farm on the homepage and sub-pages. Barn2Door’s Design Team creates aesthetically pleasing, yet functional websites for Farms that incorporate all of these best practices.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing is a key effort to building ongoing relationships with your Buyers. You can tailor messaging to communicate your products, values and business directly to customers. Email allows your Brand to remain consistent in communications, and responsive to provide Buyers with quality service.

Advertise sales, Farm events or new products through Email Marketing. This will make your Brand more personal and easier for Buyers to stay up-to-date on your business.


Farm Marketing In-Person

On the Farm

Inviting your community onto the Farm can provide an opportunity to understand your daily chores, provide education on sustainable agriculture and galvanize support for your local business. Buyers will recognize your Brand through signs on the road, or a Farm stand that is conveniently located near your Farm. Throw events or offer volunteer opportunities to attract potential Buyers, and allow them to get to know your Farm in-person.

Julie and Michelle of Veteran's Liberty Ranch in front of their ranch sign, smiling.

At Farmer’s Markets

Your Farm Brand can be communicated through your Logo, a slogan, imagery and colors on physical marketing materials, just as it can be online. Stickers or pens with your Farm Logo can be an inexpensive way to constantly remind Buyers to make a purchase. Many people put stickers on notebooks, water bottles or laptops, or use a pen daily. Offering these assets and others (totes, prints, bookmarks), will keep your Farm top-of-mind.

You have the opportunity to attract potential Buyers to your Farm through your personality at markets. Always wear a hat and/or shirt emblazoned with your Farm logo at markets. You may not always have the ability to showcase this through social media, but in-person events will allow you to meet with community members and build trust through conversation. This will give Buyers the opportunity to put a face to a name. And, any pictures will include your Farm logo that can be easily shared on Social Media or Email newsletters to reinforce your Brand.

In the Local Loop

Local partnerships will introduce your Farm to new audiences. Produce Farms may partner with a bakery to sell Farm-fresh tarts using their fruit. A Protein Operation may partner with a local gym to give a discount to members who buy a Bundle Box from the Ranch. Your Farm Brand will appear more trustworthy to Buyers who are loyal to the businesses you partner alongside. Be certain local partners maintain values consistent with your Farm Brand.

Pick-up locations will make your Farm Brand recognizable in the community. Setting up locations at schools, churches or organizations frequented by community members will attract new Buyers and make for convenient fulfillments for current customers.



Why do you Need a Farm Brand?

A Brand makes your Farm more recognizable to Buyers, whether it is a sign at Markets, local Pickups, or an easy-to-search Online Store. Your Brand should reflect the personality of your Farm business, making it more trustworthy to Buyers. If Buyers trust your products, relate to your values and recognize your Brand, you can build a relationship with repeat customers. Over time, they will be more committed to your Farm.

Barn2Door offers software for Independent Farmers to create and promote their brand, sell online and in-person, and save time managing their business. If you’re curious to learn more, watch this 5-minute video.


Guide: How to Price your Farm Products


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