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Proposed USDA Salmonella Framework May Affect Your Local Poultry Processor

The USDA FSIS has worked on a proposed salmonella framework that would implement rules and regulations in place for producers to test and seek to eradicate the presence of salmonella in their poultry products. If implemented, this proposal would affect poultry producers with added costs, potential onsite inspections, and the burden of additional equipment and infrastructure.

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Spotlights Barn2Door Admin Spotlights Barn2Door Admin

Farmer Spotlight: Stokesberry Sustainable Farm

Jerry and Janelle Stokesberry have been growing food together since the 70’s. “We were just kids. We both did a lot of vegetable gardening growing up, so we decided to change it up and raise fruit and meat. In 2013 we decided to go all-in on our dream, farming full time and providing food to other people.”

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