The Importance of Buyer Trust in your Farm Brand

Buyers are eager to find a Farm they can trust when choosing to buy local. Your Products, Branding and Practices all contribute to the trustworthiness of your Farm business. We surveyed 25,000+ Buyers to seek their input on what they look for when purchasing local Farm Products.

Many factors can influence Buyers’ perceptions, but a trustworthy Farm Brand is paramount to attracting new customers, inspiring loyalty and building a successful Farm business.  


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Do Buyers Trust your Products?

Buyer Trust in your Farm Brand is critical to your long term success.

Buyers Trust data point when purchasing from local Farm.

Trust in the quality of your Products is important when seeking to attract new Buyers. Your Farm can elevate the trustworthiness of your Products by showcasing independent certifications and/or association with credible organizations.

For example, independent certifications may include Animal Welfare Approved (AWA), or Certified Naturally Grown (CNG), among others. Membership in a credible organization such as the Farmer Veteran Coalition (FVC) or the Biodynamics Association (BDA), among others, can also improve trust.

Attaining an independent certification, or being a member of a notable association, can also expand your network and provide additional resources to support your Farm business.

Buyer's ratings of the importance of Farm certification and organizations.

Does your Farm Brand Convey Trust?

Your Farm Brand is often the first impression for a Buyer of your Products. Branding can be influenced by a range of factors, but should be consistent in all your marketing efforts - online and in-person. Focusing on building a Farm Brand that inspires Trust, is attractive and easy to distinguish in the market.

To best differentiate from commodity alternatives, position your Farm as a “locally-owned” or “family-owned” business. In fact, 88% of Buyers want to purchase from Local Farms in their state, so it is important for your business to showcase your Farm story and local connections.

Family-owned” Farms give Buyers a sense of nostalgia, while creating a narrative that if a family is involved, the Products and Practices must be trustworthy.

Buyers say that family-owned farms are more trustworthy 9 out of 10 times.

Locally-owned” Farms confirm with Buyers that their money is going to support local producers, local jobs and the local economy. A locally-owned Farm is perceived as more trustworthy than Big Agriculture.

Buyers rate locally-owned Farms 10 out of 10 times more trustworthy.

Is your Farm Brand Consistent Across all Channels?

The first time a Buyer may interact with your Farm Brand could be a box on a neighbor’s front porch, signage on the side of your truck, or product-packaging at a family gathering. Alternatively, a Buyer may first encounter your Farm Brand in a social media post, an email newsletter, or website shared by a friend. Brand Consistency in-person and online is critical for building Trust with existing and prospective Buyers.

Buyers' rating of in-person and online experiences relation to Farm product quality.

Have you considered the first time a Buyer may see your Farm Products is the same as choosing a Bottle of Wine? The visual look and feel of your Farm Brand - in-person or online - will either be a positive or a negative. So, be conscientious about making a good first impression (it matters)!


Do Buyers find your Farm Practices Trustworthy?

The Practices employed by your Farm can significantly impact your trustworthiness with Buyers. Showcasing sustainable, regenerative, and organic Practices can have a positive impact on your Farm’s bottom line. Be sure your Farm Brand is transparent with respect to your Practices and Values to instill Trust with prospective Buyers.

In contrast to Big Agriculture, local Farmers committed to sustainable practices are in the grace of Buyers and can expect to charge a premium for their Products. In fact, 84% of Buyers are actively looking to purchase Products from Farms committed to sustainable agriculture. Be sure to market your Farm Practices and convey the values you uphold with respect to good stewardship.

The Practices of a Farm are 9 out of 10 times considered by Buyers when looking at trustworthiness.


There are many aspects to building a trustworthy Farm Brand that attracts a loyal base of Buyers. To increase Trust, Buyers will evaluate your Farm Products, Branding and Practices. Be sure to clearly and consistently convey your Farm’s Values across all channels - online and in-person. By investing in a trustworthy Farm Brand, you can distinguish yourself from conventional alternatives, charge a premium for your Products, and build a thriving Farm business.

At Barn2Door, we’re delighted to support 1,000’s of Farmers across all 50 states, serving more than 1+ million Buyers. We provide an all-in-one solution to help Farmers build a trustworthy Brand experience - to increase sales, access more customers and save time.

If you’re curious why successful Farm businesses run on Barn2Door, watch this 5-minute video.


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