Bennett Farms, Veteran Farmer

More with Bennett Farms:


Thomas Bennett spends his days on a family-owned pork and poultry Farm in southeastern Michigan as a full-time Farmer, dad and husband. He’s dedicated to his animals’ welfare, sustainable and humane practices, and his family and customers’ access to nutritious, affordable food.  Before his second career as a Farmer, Bennett was a Member of the Marine Corps, serving 10 total years in active duty.

Bennett joined the Marine Corps in 2001, working primarily as an Infantry Weapons Repairman and secondly as a Marksmanship Instructor. He was stationed for 3 years overseas in Okinawa, supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Later he was stationed at Parris Island, South Carolina, in a permanent role running the armory. After 8 years of active duty, he was only home for a few months before spending 2 more years running the armory at the South Bend Military Base. 

Now, 9 years later, Bennett works as a full-time Farmer on Bennett Farms in Michigan.  He raises non-GMO, antibiotic-free pork and poultry. Animals on Bennett Farms live low-stress lives. Pastured chickens are fed a free choice, 19% protein, non-GMO grain ration and pigs are moved weekly on rotating pasture---Bennett ensures his livestock can exercise their natural behaviors and live happy, healthy lives.


"I never imagined that my military service would give me such great farming skills,” Bennett reflected. “Care, attention, and being a good steward are all things I use to work my Farm. It has also afforded me a great opportunity to better connect with my community. It's important that I take care of my animals and land, but also the families I serve."

Bennett served our country by protecting our land in conflicts abroad. Today, he continues to serve our country and his local community by honoring the land, and raising healthy animals to benefit people’s health.  From our perspective, we owe Bennett twice over!

"When I returned from active duty, I found a noble purpose in farming and serving my local community. In addition to caring for the animals on my Farm, it is an honor to deliver nutritious, unadulterated food to my customers."

If you’re lucky enough to live near Bennett Farms, you can learn about and purchase his premium product here:

Barn2Door is proud to serve Thomas Bennett and other US military veterans who are registered members of the Farmer Veteran’s Coalition (FVC). We gladly offer special discounts to US military veterans, and donate a portion of all veterans’ subscriptions to FVC, as a show of support to continue their efforts to make positive impacts for veterans and their communities.  


Bennet reflected on working with Barn2Door. “The biggest barrier to setting up an online store for our Farm was my time. With other options, I would have been the guy sitting at the computer for days setting everything up. Instead, Barn2Door did the work for me. I call or email with questions, and they fix it faster than expected.”

“Our business has really picked up, both online and face-to-face since launching with Barn2Door. It really helped our brand. My Account Manager contacts me regularly to go over marketing ideas and ways to boost sales— and their ideas work.” 

“With Barn2Door, I have a store open 24/7. We get sales that come in while I’m at a kid’s school event, after I’m in bed for the night, or on a Sunday when we’re just out doing family stuff.  It allows you to continue earning and making sales even when you’re not working, which is great.”

Fill out the form to watch a quick, 5 minute video demo.

If you’re curious to learn more about Barn2Door’s services and the ways we support veteran Farmers, book a conversation with us here.


Recap From The 2019 Tilth Conference In Yakima, WA


Recap From The 2019 Carolina Farms Sustainable Agriculture Conference