Accepting Pre-Orders for 2022? This Farm secured $40,000+

As the busy season and farmer’s markets come to a close, Farms need to stay top of mind, and keep customers engaged with your brand. How? Start accepting Pre-Orders for 2022 now. 

Pre-Orders are the best way to secure buyer commitments months in advance. Capitalize on the great experience that customers had with your Farm, to capture their order for next year. Start by advertising your products now, while your customers are engaged. Create buzz among customers and FOMO (the fear-of-missing-out), to spur demand for your products.

Leveraging Pre-Orders also means that your Farm will have better cash flow in the off-season, where the revenue generated can be used to prepare for next season. So, whether you need to invest in your Farm, update your packaging, or invest in new equipment, Pre-Orders are the golden ticket to giving your Farm cash flow in advance.

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3 Tactics to Leverage Pre-Orders:

  • Offer Promotions. Offer a discount to Buyers that sign-up for next season, now! This creates urgency, requiring buyers to react quickly and rewards them for purchasing early. Ensure there is a “time expiration” to spur activity (e.g. 20% off Next Season if you sign-up by Oct-31-2021).

  • Reward Loyal Buyers with First Access. If you have a loyal customer base, reward them with first access to your Pre-Order. This will make them feel special, making it more likely for them to opt-in. 

  • Drive Awareness through Email & Social Media. Create a buzz with FOMO campaigns that is a limited offer (We’re accepting only 100 pre-orders for 2022 now! Don’t miss out!). Spreading the word with messaging about limited availability and first-come-first-serve will increase demand for your products.

Read: 5 Promos to Drive FOMO- Fear of Missing Out

Case Study: CSA Earns $40,000 for 2022 Season, One Year in Advance

Before Barn2Door, this Produce Farm regularly attended farmer’s markets, manually accepted and tracked orders on a spreadsheet, and used a pdf form to collect email addresses. Spending hours at local markets in the nearest city wasn’t generating consistent sales nor revenue they could rely on each month.

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With their loyal CSA customer base, this Farm pivoted online with Barn2Door to streamline the ordering process, drive traffic to their website and accept Pre-Orders for the next season. Through targeted activities on multiple channels (email newsletters and social media), this Farm generated $40,000 for their 2022 CSA one year in advance. 

Using Barn2Door’s feature, Gated Items allowed the Farm to reward loyal customers, giving them exclusive access to pre-order their 2022 CSA. The concept of “first-access” or “restricted access” created FOMO, where customers feared missing out on special access to the CSA. This further contributed to their demand. Now, the Farm plans to spend less time at the markets and more time generating buzz for their CSA online. 

Read: Barn2Door Unlock Feature - Farmers Gain More Control Over Selling Speciality Items

Whether you have a meat share, CSA program, or specialty items for the holiday season, giving Buyers the option to pre-purchase products is key to your Farms’ success year-round. 

At Barn2Door, we provide the software and the services to help Farmers grow and manage direct sales. If you’re curious how we can serve your Farm, watch this 5-minute video.


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