Farm Logo Design Guide

Branding is one of the most important aspects of creating your Farm business. Before selling to Buyers, you must have your business details in order, including how your Farm Brand is perceived by others. How do you want Buyers to describe your Farm business?

When thinking of a certain brand, you probably picture the Logo first (e.g. Chick-Fil-A). It is no different with your Farm business. A Farm Logo that represents your business well is crucial to build Brand Trust with potential Buyers. In a recent survey, Buyers ranked the importance of “Trustworthiness” of a Farmer as a 9 out of 10, when considering a purchase from a Local Farm.

The Barn2Door Design Team discussed the Farm Logo Design Process in a recent Direct Farm Podcast episode. Listen here.

There are several key elements to consider when thinking about Farm Logo ideas:

  • Trust-Building Imagery / Brand-Centered Symbolism

  • Easy to Recognize and Remember Visuals

  • An Organized Design Layout

  • Versatility and Scalability


6 Elements to consider when designing a Farm Logo:

  1. Style

There are many different elements that can contribute to the style of your Logo. Certain fonts, shapes, and textures can make your Farm Logo feel vintage or modern, coastal or midwestern, simple or complex.

Farm Logo styles may also range from emblems, signatures, icons, or lettermarks. The opportunities are endless when deciding the message you want your Farm Logo to convey.

Your logo may be the first impression a Buyer has of your Farm products. Ensuring that it accurately depicts the image you want Buyers to have of your Farm is important. Be mindful that your Farm Logo design idea will also be used on your packaging (labels, bags, boxes), physical marketing assets (business cards, flyers), and online profiles (website, social media and email newsletters).

Most Logo companies have no experience with Farmers and create imagery that doesn’t correlate with your Farm products (e.g. breeds of cattle). Since Barn2Door works exclusively with Farmers, and knows their brands entirely, we have the knowledge, expertise and specialty to develop and successfully create Farm Logos that represent your business and products.

2. Shape

The shape of a Logo is one of its most recognizable aspects. Differing shapes can give your Farm Logo an eye-catching design, or be a distraction (depending on its purpose and usage). You want a shape and feel that relates to your Farm, its products, and practices. 

Some logo shapes may relate well to your Farm products, such as Goodness Greens (below), who has an organic shape similar to a leaf. The shape itself is telling of what Buyers can expect from their Farm.

Your Farm may choose to do a shape depending on what pairs with other Logo elements. It’s important to keep in mind that these Logos may be used for stickers, stamps, icons, and other marketing assets. Below are several Logos with differing shapes, and varying Farm types:

3. Font

Fonts can also tell potential Buyers a lot about your Farm Brand and products. Rustic, stamp-like fonts may feel heavier and more intense, while thin, curly fonts may feel more delicate.

Fonts can become a shape themselves through letterheads, like ‘HF’ for Hanson Family Meats (below). This can be a great detail for branding and packaging. No matter the font, choosing something that matches your Farm style is important for conveying messages simply through your Logo.

4. Color

Logo color is another aspect that can tell prospective Buyers a lot about your products before viewing your inventory. Colors can match the region where your Farm is located, products that are available, or simply be eye-catching. 

It is common to find produce Farmers with green and blue in their Logos, and protein Farmers with reds and browns. However, choosing colors that complement each other and are pleasing to your Buyers is the most important part of this element.

Colors evoke different emotions to viewers. Reds may convey importance and power, while blue is linked with trust and serenity. Color may be the first element that Buyers see, so choosing one that is true to your brand is key. Also, be mindful to avoid relying on different colors for key elements of your logo, which may be lost in grayscale.

5. Imagery

Logos are a great way to add fun visuals to your Farm Branding. Whether you focus more on graphics or font, choosing characteristics that are unique to your Farm is important.

Logos including icons of crops or animals help potential Buyers know what your Farm offers before they even see your products. This is important in catching their attention and drawing them closer to your Farm Brand, versus conventional products.

Some imagery can also include word-play, adding humor or a unique twist to your Logo. Having graphics that double as a unique word or include humor are assets that will bring your Logo to the next level.

6. Variations

When you design a Farm Logo style you love, with your chosen font, colors, and graphics, be mindful how you choose to use and display the graphic. You cannot simply throw an image onto your Farm packaging and call it good.

Working with designers can help you understand different file types, packaging, and use-cases. If you do not have a background in graphic design, you may not know the different file types and where to use them. It’s important to work with, and learn from Design professionals who can help you implement best practices (before paying for 100’s of physical assets).

Designers can also help you understand different use-cases and alternative variations for your logo (e.g. on your Farm truck versus on Social Media). Having different color variations for the varying backgrounds of your Farm Logo may appear is critically important.

When working with a designer, be sure you have access to all your full Logo files, including individual elements, such as a brand mark. Barn2Door Designers package all these assets together to give you a complete range of Logo options.



The importance of a Farmer’s Logo cannot be understated. The trustworthiness of Farm Brand will have a direct impact on your Sales. Your Farm Logo will appear on your website, profiles, product packaging, and physical marketing assets. Your Logo may be the first thing a potential Buyer sees when evaluating a purchase from your Farm, so you want to attract and entice them to order.

It is important to utilize a font and colors that complement your logo imagery, and translate well to a variety of Farm Branded assets. This Farm Logo Design Guide explains the importance of each element, and ideas to consider when creating a Logo design for your business.

At Barn2Door, we work with 1000’s of Farmers who serve 1+ million Buyers across all 50 States. To learn more about getting a custom Logo created by Professional Designers with skills and experience working with Farmers, click here: Barn2Door Farm Logos.

Want to Learn More about the Farm Logo Design Process?

Barn2Door provides an all-in-one solution to grow and manage your Farm business. If you’re curious to learn why successful Farms run on Barn2Door, watch this 5-minute video.


The Importance of Buyer Trust in your Farm Brand


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