From your ‘Barn’ to your Buyers ‘Doors’

Buyers love local food, but they love convenience more. With Farmers in all 50 states, we know the most successful Farms are winning with door-to-door delivery. With an increased desire to have convenient purchasing experiences, consumers are actively searching for food online with the expectation of direct delivery to their doorstep. Best of all, buyers are willing to pay for the convenience of drop-and-dash delivery—making it profitable for your Farm.

The question most Farmers ask is, “How do I manage all the delivery routes if I am flooded with orders online?” That’s where Barn2Door can help you solve a good problem. 

Craig from Wright Brothers Farm said this about all his online orders: "I’m most excited about the backend options in Barn2Door that free up my time. It automatically produces a Pick List with what to harvest, and a Pack List with each customer’s order."

Farmers use Barn2Door to manage everything from targeted marketing activities to orders, payments, and delivery. When it comes to door-to-door delivery, Farmers leverage their Pick List to know what to harvest ahead of delivery day, and their Pack List to know what needs to be assembled and ‘packed’ into the truck for each customer.

What’s even better? Barn2Door has built our Pack Lists to work seamlessly with your favorite Routing App(s) right on your smartphone. Simply download the comma-separated-value (CSV) sheet and upload to your preferred Routing App (Farmers with a Barn2Door account can watch a how-to video in the Learn Center).


The pack list is a CSV (spreadsheet) that you can download or print for any given delivery day (after your order cut-off). It includes individual orders for each customer, per location—here is information we collect for the routing:

Order # Customer Last Name Location Name City State Zip Latitude Order # Longitude

You will see columns for Latitude and Longitude. This is good—this is where our software grabs all the necessary data points for routing apps that need precise geographical information for mapping. Buyers enter in a myriad of addresses, from P.O. boxes to rural addresses with no street number. We add Latitude and Longitude as additional reference points, to achieve the highest possible accuracy. 

Routing applications have different methods for importing location data to calculate and optimize your delivery routes. These range from manual input in the app to importing a text, CSV or Excel file. While the required address formatting varies, the one thing they all have in common is that they all accept latitude and longitude.

If you do not already have a Routing App downloaded on your smartphone, read our post: Which Routing App is Right for Your Farm?.

The preference is up to you, Barn2Door’s Pack List plays nice with all of the apps (listed in no particular  order). Note, Barn2Door does have a direct integration with Routific, making it seamless for Farmers to manage their delivery routes and sync their orders directly from Barn2Door:

Read: Delivery Made Simple - Announcing Barn2Door + Routific Integration!



To import a CSV into Routific:

  1. Create a copy of your pack list called routes.csv

  2. In routes.csv, remove all columns except Customer Name, Longitude, and Latitude

  3. Rename the columns in routes.csv as follows:

    1. Customer Name to ID

  4. Import routes.csv as per the instructions linked above

Example routes.csv:

ID Latitude Longitude
Joe BarnDoor 47.640445 -122.325695


To import a CSV into OptimoRoute:

  1. Create a copy of your Pack List called routes.csv

  2. In your routes.csv document, delete all columns except Order #, Customer Name, Location Name, Longitude, and Latitude (see image below)

  3. Next, rename the columns in routes.csv as follows:

    1. Order # to Order ID

    2. Customer Last Name To Customer ID

  4. Import routes.csv as per the instructions linked above

Example routes.csv for Optimo Route:

Order ID Customer ID Location Name Latitude Longitude
12345 Joe BarnDoor Joe’s Office 47.640445 -122.325695


To import a CSV into Road Warrior:

  1. Create a copy of your Pack List called routes.csv

  2. In routes.csv, delete all columns except Customer Name, Street Name, City, State, Zip, Latitude, and Longitude (see image below)

  3. Separate the Street column into Street Number & Street Name

  4. Rename the columns in routes.csv as follows:

    1. Order # to Note

    2. Customer Last Name to Name

    3. State to State/Region

    4. Zip to Postal

  5. Import routes.csv as per the instructions linked above

Example of routes.csv for Roadwarrior:

Note Name Street Number Street Name City State/Region Postal Latitude Longitude
12345 Joe BarnDoor 2324 Eastlake Ave E Seattle WA 98102 47.640445 -122.325695


To import a CSV into Route4me:

  1. Create a copy of your Pack List called routes.csv

  2. In routes.csv, delete all columns except Order #, Customer Name, Latitude, and Longitude (see image below)

  3. Rename the columns in routes.csv as follows:

    1. Order # to order_no

    2. Customer Last Name to customer

    3. Longitude to longitude

    4. Latitude to latitude

  1. Import routes.csv as per the instructions linked above

Example of routes.csv for Route4me:

order_no customer latitude longitude
12345 Joe BarnDoor 47.640445 -122.325695


To import an address list into RouteXL:

  1. Create a copy of your pack list called routes.csv

  2. In routes.csv, delete all columns except Latitude and Longitude

  3. Copy all the rows with data in them (the latitude and longitude #s)

  4. Paste them into the Import window as Unformatted Text (right click to choose and paste as ‘unformatted text’)

  5. Highlight all, then replace all ‘tabs’ with ‘commas’

Example of information that will by pasted:

47.640445 -122.325695

Example of information after replacing ‘tabs’ with ‘commas’:



To import a text file into Speedy Route:

  1. Create a new text file named routes.txt

  2. Create a copy of your Pack List called routes.csv

  3. In routes.csv, delete all columns except Latitude and Longitude

  4. Copy all the rows with data in them

  5. Paste them into (the new) routes.txt file as Unformatted Text

  6. Replace all ‘tabs’ with ‘commas’

  7. Import routes.txt as per the instructions linked above

Example of information that will by pasted:

47.640445 -122.325695

Example of information after replacing ‘tabs’ with ‘commas’:




To import a CSV into Road Warrior:

  1. Create a copy of your pack list called routes.csv

  2. In routes.csv, remove all columns except Customer Name, Latitude, and Longitude

  3. Rename the columns in routes.csv as follows:

    1. Customer Name to Name

    2. Order # to Dropoff Custom Field

    3. Street to Dropoff Street

    4. City to Dropoff City

    5. State to Dropoff State

    6. Zip to Dropoff Zip

    7. Lattitude to Dropoff Latitude

    8. Longitude to Dropoff Longitude

  4. Create a new column named Dropoff Service Time

    1. Enter the minutes you expect to spend for each location

  5. Import routes.csv

Example of routes.csv:

Dropoff Custom Field Dropoff Service Time Name Dropoff Street Dropoff City Dropoff State Dropoff Zip Dropoff Latitude Dropoff Longitude
12345 5 Joe BarnDoor 2324 Eastlake Ave E Seattle WA 98102 47.640445 -122.325695

Webinar Recap: ACRES + Barn2Door Innovator Series: This Farm is Thinking Outside the Box and Selling Out


Farmer Spotlight: Gilcrest Natural Farm