How $20 Can Increase a Farmer’s Average Order Size by up to 30%

Email is one of the strongest channels to engage buyers and stay top of mind. So much so that having an effective email strategy to reach customers consistently can generate up to +30% larger order sizes. The most successful Farms use email as an avenue to engage customers and drive consistent Farm orders. So, what’s their secret to driving larger order sizes, frequent purchases from customers, and creating a loyal customer base? Barn2Door + Mailchimp


The Barn2Door + Mailchimp integration makes creating an effective email marketing strategy easy. With automatic syncing of your Barn2Door customer list and tags, inventory, and promos, it’s simple to send customized product recommendations and promotional offerings to your contact list. However, the real bells and whistles of Mailchimp Standard can help spur buyer engagement and more sales comes when your Farm upgrades to a paid plan (starting at just $20/month)

A subscription to Mailchimp’s Essential or Standard plans opens the door to additional tools to streamline email communications with automation, offers strategic customer targeting (with the customer journey builder), and is proven to drive profits by more than 28%. We find that Farmers will drive more than enough in additional revenue to cover their costs of a Mailchimp upgrade!  

Here’s how successful Farmers are using the Barn2Door + Mailchimp integration to drive profits, fuel conversions, and generate more consistent orders:

Barn2Door + Mailchimp Customer Journey’s

Customer Journeys allow you to send targeted emails to your contact list. You can organize email subscribers into categories based on their buying journey with your Farm - loyal customers, new buyers, or absent customers - and create campaigns (multiple emails) that can incentivize purchases from your Farm. Customer Journeys are meant to help deliver specific information to your different groups of buyers. 

Successful Farms use Customer Journeys to send loyal customers a promo thanking them for their commitment, leverage automation to send a welcome email to new subscribers, and re-engage customers that haven’t purchased in a while. When you send relevant information to specific buyers, your Farm will see more frequent orders and attract absent buyers to become loyal to your Farm again. You’ll see an increase in engagement and sales. 

Automate Different Emails 

Building a Customer Journey from scratch can seem intimidating. But, with Mailchimp’s Essential and Standard Plans, Farmers on Barn2Door can leverage pre-built journeys to save time sending targeted emails to their contact list. Here are recommended pre-built journeys Farmers can use to increase engagement:

  • Welcome Emails: When customers subscribe to your email list, you can automatically enroll them in a welcome journey to say hello! Welcome new customers by sharing information about you, your Farm and practices, and how to place an order. You can even incentivize new subscribers with a small discount on their first order! Farmers that leverage automated welcome emails see more regular orders on average from the same group of customers. 

  • Re-Engagement Emails: Buyers are busy and can often forget to order. Therefore, it’s not uncommon to see loyal customers fall off their regular schedule with your Farm. With Barn2Door + Mailchimp, you can identify which customers haven’t placed an order within a specific time period (i.e., 60, 90, or 180 days). By using a Customer Journey, send a targeted “We Miss You” email, incentivizing them to come back. Inform them about Subscriptions, Pre-Orders, and limited-time offers to secure a long-term purchase commitment to your Farm.

  • Loyalty Emails: When customers subscribe to your Farm or make a large purchase commitment (quarter, halves, and wholes, or a Subscription / CSA), then reward them! Offer a discount code, recommend product add-ons, or give special access to products that are high in demand or have limited quantities. People love to feel special! In fact, more than 50% of consumers will purchase if they have a discount code. 

We recommend these three emails to help fuel sales and increase your Farm’s average order size. By using the Customer Journey tool to quickly add contacts to each journey, it’ll be easier to send targeted information in a short amount of time. 

Send Time Optimization

Your customers are more active in their emails at certain times of the day. Similar to how you check your inbox routinely in the mornings, at lunch, or after dinner, your customers do too. With the Barn2Door + Mailchimp integration, Farmers leverage different analytics and reporting dashboards to gain insights into how emails are performing and when they can expect subscribers to engage with their emails. With the Send Time Optimization function, Mailchimp will analyze when your emails are likely to perform best – taking the guesswork (and time) out of finding the right time to send your emails.

By using Send Time Optimization, you can learn more about your buyers: when they’re the most active and likely to open your emails. This tool can work alongside other features, like Mailchimp’s A/B testing function to determine how subscribers respond to the different subject lines you use.

Leveraging Mailchimp’s Essential and Standard Plans' advanced features and tools will boost your Farm sales. By using Customer Journeys, automated emails, and determining the right time to send emails, you can implement a simple and effective email strategy that will pay your Farm dividends.

Farms running their business on Barn2Door can sign-up to attend the Mailchimp Academy Class to learn more about leveraging the Barn2Door + Mailchimp integration.

Barn2Door provides an all-in-one solution to grow and manage your Farm business. If you’re curious to learn why successful Farms run on Barn2Door, watch this 5-minute video.


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