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How to Find the Perfect Retail Buyer for your Farm

Your loyal Buyers often determine the strength and consistency of your Farm sales. You want to attract local Buyers that are willing to pay a premium for sustainably-raised products, and will consistently place orders. Successful Farms across the country have become a staple in their community’s shopping routines. Follow these tips to find who your ideal retail Buyers are in your community, and how to effectively target them through marketing and packaging.

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Invest in Your Farm Brand Now, for Future Sales

Every business has a Brand. Your Farm Brand reflects your values, practices and mission. Each aspect of your marketing should revolve around your Brand image - from the imagery you share to your communication with Buyers. We recently talked with Josie from Dan & Debbie’s Creamery to discuss the importance of a Farm Brand, how to establish your Brand and how to effectively market it to Buyers.

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